XMODEM-CRC Receive does not work
> FF FF FF A9 00 ..... It seems that your sender is mistaken to calculate the checksum value. I think that the correct value is not "A9 00" but "ED A9". So, this is not the Tera Term bug. Thanks.
I am so sorry for wasting your valuable time. You are right! My sender did not send the low byte of the CRC. I have fixed it and Tera Term works perfectly!
Thanks, Pieter
XMODEM Checksum Receive works :)
XMODEM-CRC Receive does not work :(
Tera Term sends 'C' to start receive. Board sends valid XMODEM-CRC data packet, but Tera Term rejects / ignores it and sends another 'C'. See attached XMODEM.LOG.
I wanted to help fix the bug by building and debugging Tera Term from SVN using VisualStudio 2010, but building fails, sorry! I suspect that settings is not handled correctly somewhere in: xmodem.c line 250: BOOL XReadPacket(PFileVar fv, PXVar xv, PComVar cv)
Thanks in advance, Pieter