Incidencia #37154

Timestamp for console window

Abrir Fecha: 2017-05-04 00:09 Última actualización: 2024-04-29 16:29

5 - Medium
5 - Medium
Score: 2
100.0% (2/2)
0.0% (0/2)


It would be very useful to have the timestamp displayed in the console while we can monitor all the information in "real time" I know I can add timestamp to the log, but it is hard to monitor two windows to search and define the time windows between two events in the log.

I have seen some comments on this feature for the logs, if it is possible to add this request maybe the same options for the timestamp in the logs will be greatly appreciated.

Ticket History (3/29 Histories)

2017-05-04 00:09 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Timestamp for console window" created
2018-01-09 23:00 Updated by: None

any update on this?

2019-12-04 13:27 Updated by: aquarius2019

Hi there,

Any update on this as well? as we are also interested into this feature.


2019-12-04 13:40 Updated by: None
2020-05-08 20:25 Updated by: None

It would be very useful to have this feature..

2020-08-24 19:07 Updated by: None

Please add this feature!

2020-10-17 02:42 Updated by: None

As a frequent user that monitors data in realtime, this feature would be VERY useful.

2021-08-19 23:21 Updated by: None

Completely agreed. Very useful!!

2021-08-27 15:26 Updated by: None

Agreed, would be nice.........

2021-11-30 10:03 Updated by: None

Agree, timestamp with millisecond resolution

2022-01-24 23:42 Updated by: None

Agreed, would be very useful.

2022-01-27 00:03 Updated by: None

This would be very helpful, currently I have to keep reverting to the log to determine when a message came in which is pretty cumbersome.

2022-04-21 04:46 Updated by: None

Agreed - I wanted this the other day because two simultaneous teraterm sessions acted as if their times ere different

2022-09-12 14:00 Updated by: None

Absolutely super useful! +1

2022-11-18 21:19 Updated by: None
super useful! +1
2022-11-29 19:59 Updated by: None

I would pay to have this feature. +1

2022-11-29 22:15 Updated by: nmaya
  • Details Updated

私には、+がたくさん付いている、この要望がどういうものかよくわかりません。 いったいどういう機能がリクエストされているのでしょうか。

  • この機能を欲するユーザがタイムスタンプを表示したい "コンソール" とは "バッファ" のことなのか?
    • 時刻を上書きしていくというのは、サーバから送られてきた文字列が格納されているのと同じバッファに対するクリアと描画を、エミュレータ側で繰り返すことになる。その文字列もログファイルに記録されることになると思うが、それでいいのか?
    • バッファをエミュレータ側で変更したら、リモート側が描画したのと異なる状態になる。リモート側ではその変化が分からないと思うが、その差は問題にならないのか?
  • RLogin の「バックグランド画像にテキストを追加」みたいなこと?
    • バッファをコピーしても時刻はコピーされない・目視かキャプチャでのみ確認可能
2022-12-07 20:52 Updated by: None

Reply To (Anonymous)

It would be very useful to have the timestamp displayed in the console while we can monitor all the information in "real time" I know I can add timestamp to the log, but it is hard to monitor two windows to search and define the time windows between two events in the log. I have seen some comments on this feature for the logs, if it is possible to add this request maybe the same options for the timestamp in the logs will be greatly appreciated.

Struggling with this today as well. A timestamp in the console will be so useful for Realtime debugging

2023-02-15 02:07 Updated by: None

Add me to this request.

For console AND for log to file, I'd like to have a timestamp that is easy to use for plotting, e.g. seconds since start of epoch (e.g., year 1970 or 2000). The milliseconds are already available, I think. So this would make a nice timestamp that's easy to feed to gnuplot, for example.

2023-08-16 19:43 Updated by: None

pleaseeee add this!

2023-08-16 19:44 Updated by: None

pleaseeee add this!

2023-09-18 21:30 Updated by: None

Would be amazing to have this feature, please consider adding it :)

2023-09-28 19:14 Updated by: None


2023-09-28 19:15 Updated by: None


2023-09-28 19:15 Updated by: None


2023-09-28 19:15 Updated by: None

++ for this

2024-01-22 13:26 Updated by: None

++ useful feature

2024-04-29 16:24 Updated by: None

Reply To (Anonymous)

It would be very useful to have the timestamp displayed in the console while we can monitor all the information in "real time" I know I can add timestamp to the log, but it is hard to monitor two windows to search and define the time windows between two events in the log. I have seen some comments on this feature for the logs, if it is possible to add this request maybe the same options for the timestamp in the logs will be greatly appreciated.

2024-04-29 16:29 Updated by: None

Reply To (Anonymous)

It would be very useful to have the timestamp displayed in the console while we can monitor all the information in "real time" I know I can add timestamp to the log, but it is hard to monitor two windows to search and define the time windows between two events in the log. I have seen some comments on this feature for the logs, if it is possible to add this request maybe the same options for the timestamp in the logs will be greatly appreciated.

Reply To (Anonymous)

It would be very useful to have the timestamp displayed in the console while we can monitor all the information in "real time" I know I can add timestamp to the log, but it is hard to monitor two windows to search and define the time windows between two events in the log. I have seen some comments on this feature for the logs, if it is possible to add this request maybe the same options for the timestamp in the logs will be greatly appreciated.

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