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Últimos archivo liberados

testpackage (3.1-0vl0.20041225)2004-12-25 17:07
vhelpdesk (0.1.2)2007-03-04 04:56

Wiki Guide


Welcome to Vine Linuxドキュメントチーム Wiki

OSDN provides Wiki system to each project. You are able to edit pages as you like, of course you can also edit this page. Not only participating uses in the project, but also all of the OSDN users are able to edit this Wiki by default. You need to set up the authorization for the project.

You can find grammar and other documents on Sidebar links or Wiki guide in OSDN Docs-en project.

Últimos archivo liberados

testpackage (3.1-0vl0.20041225)2004-12-25 17:07
vhelpdesk (0.1.2)2007-03-04 04:56

Recent Tickets

documentations.htmlの中のJFリンク間違い2004-08-03 00:59
VineLinux2.6r4のドキュメント (/usr/doc/HTML/documentations.html)の中のJFへのリンク が、aptでインストールされるディ...(Ninguno)