!!! THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB !!! https://github.com/magicant/yash
Yet another shell (yash) is a POSIX-compliant command line shell, featuring more strict POSIX compliance than those of other shells, as well as powerful command line editing.
Yet another shell, version 2.44.
This version features command line prediction, which allows you to re-type a command in an instant.
A new initialization script is loaded by default so that prediction works without the need for beginners to prepare a initialization script for themselves. (If you already have your own ~/.yashrc file, the default initialization script is not automatically loaded. See https://github.com/magicant/yash/blob/trunk/share/initialization/default for instructions)
Many fixes have been applied and the shell now fully supports POSIX.1-2008 Technical Corrigendum 2 (2016).
Yet another shell バージョン 2.44
予め用意されている初期化スクリプトがデフォルトで読み込まれるため、初心者は自分で初期化スクリプトを用意しなくてもすぐにコマンドライン推定を使えます。(既に自分の ~/.yashrc ファイルがある場合はデフォルトの初期化スクリプトは自動的には読み込まれません。 https://github.com/magicant/yash/blob/trunk/share/initialization/default を読んで下さい。)
その他たくさんの修正が加えられ、yash は POSIX.1-2008 Technical Corrigendum 2 (2016) を完全にサポートするようになりました。