Arcfax is a simple archiving script that archives
all of the faxes in the hylafax 'received'
directory, along with all of their log files. You
can also configure it to send the archive to
another machine via SCP.
Related 独自ビルドプロジェクト, TuxGuitar, DMiME 医学用語変換辞書, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Darik's Boot and Nuke |
Userexitd for TSM is a configurable handler for
Tivoli Storage Manager events. It allows an
administrator to filter events using regular
expressions and run various actions for TSM
events, such as sending mail and SNMP traps,
writing messages into syslog, and running scripts
and programs. This software consists of two
parts: a simple shared library (,
which is dynamically linked to the TSM Server as a
user exit and communicates using a socket with the
userexitd daemon, which runs as a separate
service. The daemon is configured with an XML
configuration file.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Clonezilla, Wireshark |
The GNU Tar Autoloader Patch allows you to
automate tape loading (during writing) on any
autoloader that supports changing to the next tape
with the "mt offline" command. This only has an
effect during backup. During restore, you will
still have to manually change the tape because tar
hops back and forth various times. It behaves
exactly as upstream except during a write
operation (using the "c" flag) with multiple tapes
(using the "M" flag).
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME, Seasar, Clonezilla, TuxGuitar |
glucopy-glurestore is a set of scripts for copying
and restoring a fully functional GNU/Linux (or
other Unix-like) system. The glucopy script will
back up all system content (system and user
files), while the glurestore script will partition
and format an identical system, restore the system
and user files, and make the system bootable. The
scripts are included in the HTML documentation.
Related ProjectsGparted, Clonezilla, PeaZip, epo, TuxGuitar |
Register Date: 2021-06-13 12:15
Related ProjectsPeaZip, Openfiler, Clonezilla, LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE, Zorin OS |
MyPurgeLogs is a script that can delete files
older than a number of days and can rotate and
compress other files. It simply reads a
configuration file to know what it must do.
Wildcards for directories and files are allowed.
The compression's method is determined to optimize
the free space on the filesystem. This script has
only been tested on AIX.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, 7-Zip, Meltice Family, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger |
SyncToy use from system tray.
Register Date: 2008-12-15 00:16
Related ProjectsOpenfiler, p7zip, Gparted, Info-ZIP project, Clonezilla |
ネットワーク差分バックアップに重点を置いた 軽量 rsync フロントエンド
Register Date: 2009-08-24 18:01
Related ProjectsClonezilla, Gparted, Openfiler, PeaZip, TPI |
This project had been moved to .
このプロジェクトは に移動しました。
Register Date: 2009-01-22 15:45
Related ProjectsRedo Backup and Recovery, TPI, Gparted, p7zip, Clonezilla |
Pythonで作られたPlan9のdumpfsのまがいものであり、バックアップを行うソフトである。完全な状態で対象を保存するため、いつでも過去のファイル を取り戻すことができる。
Register Date: 2008-09-24 00:41
Related ProjectsPeaZip, Gparted, Info-ZIP project, TPI, p7zip |
This project aims to develop simple and compact archiver which supports many archive formats, using existing data-compression engines via original plug-in librarys named TPI.
Register Date: 2006-01-06 18:33
Related ProjectsOpenfiler, LAME (Lame Aint an MP3 Encoder), 7-Zip, Clonezilla, p7zip |
Afiolzofs allows mounting afio files using FUSE.
The code is written with Python and fusepy( ). 'Compressed afio archive with lzop,gzip,bzip2 and xz' and 'Uncompressed afio archive(ASCII cpio archive) can be used. 'Binary cpio archive' is not implemented yet. 'Uncompressed afio archive' can be random read. 'Compressed afio archive' must be decompressed in memory. lzop has multiple blocks compression format. afiolzofs can read the each block randomly. xz also has multiple blocks compression format. but multiple blocks compression is not implemented yet in xz command line tool. Afio-gui is GUI tool for afio. lzop,gzip,bzip2, and xz is used for compression. Avfs_extfs_for_afio is axtfs script for avfs. it allows mounting afio files or squashfs files. but some bugs. Compression and decompression are done by subprocess of the compression tools(lzop,gzip,bzip2,xz). Please install them for use. fusepy( ) must be download, and put it in the same folder of
Register Date: 2010-11-20 15:09
Related ProjectsClonezilla, PeaZip, Meltice Family, p7zip, 7-Zip |
GpartedはGNOMEで動作するパーティション操作ツールです。ライブLinuxのGparted Liveを使えば、CDから起動してWindows PCのパーティションを操作することもできます。Gpartedはデバイスの検出と操作、パーティションテーブルの編集にlibpartedを利用していますが、libpartedが未対応のファイルシステムをサポートするためにいくつかのツールをオプションで利用しています。
Register Date: 2009-04-27 18:23
Related ProjectsVirtual Floppy Drive, CrystalDiskInfo, FeliCa Library, gsynaptics, Iometer |
The purpose of this project is to develop a simple backup utility software which creates copy of a set of files or directories with time stamp. C# and WPF are used in this project.
Development Environment Visual Studio 2012 StyleCop 4.7
Register Date: 2015-03-05 00:41
Related ProjectsPeaZip, Gparted, Clonezilla, Redo Backup and Recovery, G4L |
!BeoZip はまた付加的なアーカイブ ユーティリティを提供しながらの ZIP ファイルにデータをバックアップする Java アプリケーションです。このプログラムは、ZIP ファイルの読み取りと書き込み用 Java Api を使用します。
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, 7-Zip, Clonezilla, Win32 Disk Imager |