Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on.
Related ProjectsLinux-HA Japan, Clonezilla, NetJFWatcher, Ophcrack, Hinemos |
Android x86 con Magisk Versión mejorada
Register Date: 2019-11-21 21:21
Related Projects |
Drupal is a modular content management system, forum, blogging and community engine. It is database driven and can be used with MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. Its features include (but are not limited to) discussion forums, Web-based administration, theme support, a submission queue, content rating, content versioning, taxonomy support, user management with a fine-grained permission system based on user roles (groups), error logging, support for content syndication, locale support, and much more. It is considered to be an excellent platform for developers due to its clean code and extensibility, and it can also be used as a Web application framework.
Related ProjectsPukiWiki, osCommerce 日本語版, MPC-BE, XOOPS, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop an all-in-one Internet application suite. It contains an Internet browser, email and newsgroup client with an included Web feed reader, HTML editor, IRC chat, and Web development tools, and is sure to appeal to advanced users, Web developers, and corporate users. It uses much of the Mozilla source code powering such successful siblings as Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino, Sunbird, and Miro.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, Amateras, ギコナビ, Properties Editor, Win32 Disk Imager |
BitlBee allows users to talk to people on the major instant messaging and microblogging networks (including MSN, Google Talk, AIM, and Twitter) from within any IRC client by emulating an IRC server. Virtual channels are created with all of the user's contacts in them, who can be talked to in the channel or in a query. Also, one can participate in group chats and chat rooms like they were normal IRC channels.
Related ProjectsOpenTween, PukiWiki, DeSmuME, SmillaEnlarger, RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal |
OpenOffice.org is the Open Source project through which Sun Microsystems is releasing the technology for the popular StarOffice productivity suite.
Related ProjectsOpenOffice.org 独自ビルドプロジェクト, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
GroupOffice is a groupware suite that takes your office online, implementing online collaboration and CRM. It allows you to share projects, calendars, files and email online with co-workers and clients. It is easy to use and fully customizable. It also features synchronization with PDAs and Outlook.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, MeCab, Sylpheed, OpenOffice.org document project by oooug.jp , OpenOffice.org 独自ビルドプロジェクト |
Since v2.04, bash has allowed you to intelligently program and extend its
standard completion behavior to achieve complex command lines with just a few
keystrokes. Imagine typing ssh [Tab] and being able to complete on hosts from
your ~/.ssh/known_hosts files. Or typing man 3 str [Tab] and getting a list of
all string handling functions in the UNIX manual. mount system: [Tab] would
complete on all exported file-systems from the host called system, while make
[Tab] would complete on all targets in Makefile. This project was conceived to
produce programmable completion routines for the most common Linux/UNIX
commands, reducing the amount of typing sysadmins and programmers need to do on
a daily basis.
Related ProjectsHinemos, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Clonezilla, Seasar, TERASOLUNA Framework |
phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ system. It support various database systems and it also offers a content management system with a WYSIWYG editor, an image manager, flexible multi-group and multi-user support, a news system, user tracking, language modules, templates, PDF support, a backup system, Active Directory support, and an easy to use installation script.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, OneSQLiteAdmin, Win32 Disk Imager, Programming Language ADP, MPC-BE |
水位流量関係、例えば不均一またはカスタムの堰による流量曲線を計算して作成するツールです。Visual Studio 2008 を使用して開発され、crystal reportはレポートの生成に使用されました。表示、分析レポートを印刷するには、crystal reportのランタイムが必要です。crystal reportインストーラーは、CRRedist2008_x64.msi (64 ビット演算システム用) と CRRedist2008_x86.msi (32 ビット演算システム用)、どちらもダウンロード可能です。
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, OneSQLiteAdmin, Dumpper v.60.3, MeCab |
xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available--and some of the most uncommon formats, too. All those features come in a reusable library (xine-lib) which can easily be embedded in your applications.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, PeerCast IM, NNDD - ニコ動専用ブラウザ, MeCab, VirtualDubMod-jp |
Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a free powerful Web server logfile analyzer (Perl script) that shows you all your Web statistics including visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines, keywords used to find your site, robots, broken links, and more. It works with both IIS 5.0+ and Apache Web server log files as a CGI and/or from the command line. It also supports around 40 languages.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, WordPress Plugins/JSeries, MeCab |
MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats, including MPEG 1/2/4, DivX 3/4/5, Windows Media 7/8/9, RealAudio/Video up to 9, Quicktime 5/6, and Vivo 1/2. It has many MMX/SSE(2)/3Dnow(Ex) optimized native audio and video codecs, but allows using XAnim's and RealPlayer's binary codec plugins, and Win32 codec DLLs. It has basic VCD/DVD playback functionality, including DVD subtitles, but supports many text-based subtitle formats too. For video output, nearly every existing interface is supported. It's also able to convert any supported files to raw/divx/mpeg4 AVI (pcm/mp3 audio), and even video grabbing from V4L devices.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, PeerCast IM, HandBrake Japanese Language Version, 円盤複写屋, MeCab |
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types commonly found on Unix systems, as well as Windows LM hashes. On top of this, lots of other hashes and ciphers are added in the community-enhanced version (-jumbo), and some are added in John the Ripper Pro.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, PeaZip, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3 |
Qt is a comprehensive, object-oriented development framework that enables development of high-performance, cross-platform rich-client and server-side applications. When you implement a program with Qt, you can run it on the X Window System (Unix/X11), Apple Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows NT/9x/2000/XP by simply compiling the source code for the platform you want. Qt is the basis for the KDE desktop environment, and is also used in numerous commercial applications such as Google Earth, Skype for Linux, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, SharpDevelop-jp, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, X/Qt Server, Amateras |