Simple Project List Software Map

185 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2003-10-14 17:13


spreadxmlrpclib is a Python module to make XMLRPC
procedure calls over Spread
( It uses the Spread Group
communication transport instead of the standard
HTTP POST, so it's lighter and it's able to take
advantage of its rich communication semantics.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2018-11-27 20:54

Curl ORB for java

Curl ORB は、Curlとサーバーサイド Java の間で通信することができます。それはプレーンで古い Java オブジェクトを意味する POJO からCurlソース コードを生成でき、Curlアプリケーションからサーバサイド Java メソッドを呼び出します。

Última actualización: 2005-02-11 07:54


phpBeans provides software and specifications for enabling
n-tier development within PHP, such as the phpBeans Object
Server, which are interoperable with other languages as

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2008-01-17 13:55

Python Message Service

PMS/PyPubSub (short for Python Message Service /
Python based Publish Subscribe) is a framework for
implementing a publish subscribe mechanism into a
Python application. A python process somewhere in
the network publishes one or more topics which
consist of Python objects. Multiple processes in
the network can subscribe to fresh updates of the
published topics. A publisher and its subsribers
are fully decoupled. The datatype of a topic can
be freely defined and changed at runtime. New
publishers and subscribers can easily be added at

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2005-06-22 21:51

Quality Objects Framework

Quality Objects (QuO) is a framework for providing
quality of service (QoS) in network-centric
distributed applications. These applications range
from embedded applications to wide area network
applications, including many military and
commercial applications. QuO bridges the gap
between the socket-level QoS being specified,
researched, and provided by a number of
organizations and the distributed object level
where many distributed applications are best
written. QuO adds QoS to CORBA and Java RMI in a
manner which is appropriate for creating
applications that can adapt to environments that
are unpredictable or have strict resource

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2002-02-01 15:28

Project Labrador

Labrador is an open source modular Web Services Framework. It is designed to be incredibly simple to use for developers who are programming Web services, and easy to extend for those developers who need the framework to provide additional functionality.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2001-07-08 21:42


Recall is a framework for writing distributed, fault-tolerant, replicated
storage servers.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2006-08-04 07:09


MynahSA is a cross-platform toolkit for connecting
C++ objects to data streams. Developers using
MynahSA can quickly and easily create
client/server applications or encrypted files
containing serialized object data. The toolkit
uses OpenSSL for encryption and secure network
communications. MynahSA is tested on Linux,
Microsoft Windows, Apple's Mac OS X, and Sun's

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2003-10-24 10:18

Open CORBA Component Model Platform

OpenCCM (Open CORBA Component Model) is an
implementation of the CORBA Component Model (CCM)
specification defined by the Object Management
Group (OMG). The CCM is the first vendor neutral
open standard for distributed component computing,
supporting various programming languages,
operating systems, networks, CORBA products, and
vendors seamlessly. The CCM is the OMG's
specification for creating distributed,
server-side scalable, component-based,
language-neutral, transactional, multi-user,
secure applications. One CCM application can be
deployed and run on several distributed nodes

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2004-11-05 21:17


The Massiv is a distributed game middleware that
simplifies the development of distributed
persistent massively multiplayer online games.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2002-03-21 23:55


CorbaTrace is a helpful tool for tracing communications beetween Corba objects. Once CorbaTrace is installed, remote calls are intercepted and informations are stored in XML files.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2005-08-15 23:49

xmlrpcserver for Python

xmlrpcserver is a simple to use but fairly
complete XML-RPC server module for Python,
implemented on top of the standard module
xmlrpclib. This module may, for example, be used
in CGIs, inside application servers or within an
application, or even standalone as an HTTP server
waiting for XML-RPC requests. xmlrpcserver is
completely written in Python and has no
dependencies other than standard modules.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2002-04-02 13:34


Romance is a light, easy, and dynamic object sharing protocol, designed for inter-language communication. Targeted languages are script languages (Python, Perl, etc.), Lisp/Scheme, and others. It will also provide a full library, including a GUI toolkit.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2001-08-17 05:34


Openadaptor is Java/XML-based EAI (Enterprise
Application Integration) software.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2005-02-02 14:27

Panther Application Server

Panther is a lightweight, modular Java application server
suitable for embedding in a Web server, and intended as
an alternative to the current standard of large-scale or
monolithic application servers.

(Machine Translation)