Simple Project List Software Map

2459 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2005-11-08 05:38


jTDS is a JDBC 3.0 type 4 driver for Microsoft SQL
Server and Sybase. It features high performance,
stability, and a complete JDBC 3.0 implementation.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2013-06-18 19:00


TkWiCe is a highly featured, easy to use, and multilingual software application for wine cellar management. It provides a fast overview of your wine bottles.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2010-12-11 08:08

SQL Power Architect

SQL Power Architect is a data modeling tool with additional features geared specifically for data
warehouse and data mart design. It allows the
designer to open multiple concurrent source
database connections, create and explore profiles
of the source data, discover differences between two schemas (even if they're on different database platforms), drag and drop source schemas,
tables, and columns into the data modeling
playpen, and forward engineer the resultant target
database and its associated ETL template.

(Machine Translation)
Database Environment: SQL-based
Lenguaje Natural: English, Korean, Russian
Sistema Operativo: OS Independent
Lenguaje de Programación: Java
Última actualización: 2007-07-14 03:16


MaxDB is a re-branded and enhanced version of SAP DB, SAP AG's open source database. It is a
heavy-duty, SAP-certified open source database
that offers high availability, scalability and a
comprehensive feature set. MaxDB is used for large SAP ERP environments and other applications that require maximum enterprise-level database functionality. It is available for a wide range of platforms, including Linux on several different architectures and Windows.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2007-07-31 10:58

Database of Managed Objects

DMO is generic object management, documentation, and inventory software. It enforces defining an abstract hierarchical structure for the data stored, making object management very intuitive. All the data in a company can be stored in a structured manner, from hard disks, computers, and printers to routers, UPSes, and alarm systems. Powerful querying and PDF report generation, plugin support, a high level of customization, and very clean code make DMO a very powerful tool.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2011-01-26 15:40


visual-db is a tool for the visualization of a PostgreSQL database as tables with relations between them.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2006-02-04 09:10

MySQL Activity Report

The mysqlard daemon collects MySQL performance
data in a round robin database using rrdtool.
rrdtool stores the data in a very compact way that
will not expand over time, and it presents useful
graphs by processing the data to enforce a certain
data density. The main goal of the package is to
help the database system administrator in tuning
the system for maximum performance. The package
also contains example graphing, cron, and PHP

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2001-02-10 14:36


gcdb is an aesthetically pleasing MySQL/PHP billing database. It supports Customer, Payment, Invoice, Account, and Trouble Ticket entries. Meant for ISP, Hosting, or general billing.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2005-10-14 16:35


Miningco is an automatic data-mining tool. It can analyse a table in a database and then automatically give you a list of remarkable rules to which your data complies. Example scripts are added for datamining on Nagios, Apache, and syslogd logging.

Última actualización: 2010-02-25 01:20


pgFouine is a PostgreSQL log analyzer. It allows you to have a clear
overview of your database activity, and can generate reports with
slowest queries, most frequent queries, errors, graphs, and so on. It
is written in PHP and is designed to parse huge log files with a low
memory footprint.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2012-11-22 03:15

DB Sanity

DB Sanity performs checks on a database for verifying data consistency and correctness of aplication deployments. It is invoked by the command line and creates an HTML report with a summary and listings of faulty database entries.

Última actualización: 2012-08-19 14:31


Yii is a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications. Yii comes with a full stack of features needed by Web application development. It is written in a strict OOP style and is easy to learn with its detailed tutorials. Its highly reusable components allows one to rapidly build up a Web application that is efficient as well as robust.

Última actualización: 2008-09-03 14:27


TraffStats is a monitoring and traffic analysis application that uses
SNMP to collect data from any enabled device. It has the ability to
generate graphs (using jpgraph) with the option to compare and sum up
different devices. It has a multiuser-design with rights-management and
support for multiple languages.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2014-06-07 03:25

Simple components for Ada

The Simple components for Ada library provides implementations of smart pointers for automatically collected objects (using reference counting), object persistence, unbounded and bounded arrays of smart pointers, generic unbounded arrays of private objects and plain pointers, generic sets, maps, directed graphs, directed weighted graphs, stacks, and storage pools. It also includes table management, string editing, IEEE 754 support, and infix expression parsing tools. Implementations of some lock-free shared data structures are provided.

Última actualización: 2005-06-26 02:19

Helios qmail

Helios qmail is an advanced qmail distribution
based on qmail-sql. It has SMTP, SMTPS, POP3,
POP3S, IMAP, and IMAPS services, a content
scanner, antispoof and SPF support, SMTP-AUTH,
SMTP-after-POP/IMAP, a PHP5 API, and many other
useful tools.

(Machine Translation)