KeyValue is a cross-platform library for making C++ objects accessible through LibreOffice Calc, Excel, and other front-ends. This can enhance the experience of spreadsheet users by providing an object model and a handy key-value based interface. Actually, KeyValue does more than just help creating spreadsheet functions. The object model allows end-users to build C++ objects through the front-ends. These objects are stored in a repository for later use at the user's request. Additionally, KeyValue provides a set of services to effectively use these objects. The library is named after one of its main features: the key-value based interface. Parameters are passed to functions (or, more precisely, processors) through key-value pairs, in contrast to the standard positional interfaces of LibreOffice Calc, Excel, C/C++, etc.
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X4J Analytic is a reporting API for Java. The implementation focuses on Excel reporting and delivers a high performance solution for huge reports.
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SYMPLiK EXZELLENZ is a program to manipulate table data in Oracle database by using a Microsoft Excel file (xls or xlsx format). Unlike Oracle WebADI, More4Apps, or other Excel-driven solutions, this program does not use Office VBA (macros) to process the data. It is a pure Java solution incorporated with Apache POI and the Oracle JDBC driver to download, upload, insert, update, and delete data from Oracle database tables. It is Linux-friendly for Open Office users as long as the spreadsheet is in Excel formats.
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Excel2JSON exports an Excel workbook into JSON, useful for Web applications powered by Excel xlsx files.
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There are many test automation tools based on Selenium, however, if a tester was not familiar with Selenium and Javascript, it would be hard for him/her to have any returns by using them. FT does not require any special skills, but just write down a test specification documents like decision table on Excel. Then the engine of FT will interpret the document, execute the tests and output the result as XUNIT formatted xml file.
Register Date: 2017-03-04 08:17
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jQuery Calx is powerful yet easy to use jQuery plugin for building calculation forms or calculation tables. It parses provided formulae and performs calculations, scans for form changes and updates results automatically, and formats plain numbers into currency format, ordinal numbers, etc. It is suitable for both simple ($A+$B) formulae and complex ones such as ($I*$P*((1 + $I)^$N)) / (1 - ((1 + $I)^$N)).
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The purpose of this project is to develop an utility tool software which aggregates data in multiple Excel files into single Excel file.
Register Date: 2017-01-10 08:01
Related ProjectsGenerate dynamic PDF from XPF files, PDF Splice, PDFReporter, Jaspersoft Studio, QtRPT |
Web developing on milestone alpha.
Register Date: 2018-08-11 18:11
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プロジェクト imDEV の多変量データの可視化、調査、および分析に焦点を当てたタスク Excel と R をシームレスに統合 RExcel のアプリケーションです。インタラクティブなモジュールで次元削減 (imPCA)、予測 (imPLS)、機能の選択は、相関 (imCorrelations) の解析とネットワーク構造 (imGraph) の生成、統合環境を提供するシステムの多変量データのレベルの分析。
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