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An ADHD-friendly regular task tracker

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Rev.TiempoAutorMensaje RSS
2d918ccd2024-03-10 10:53:39CorbinWire up basic buttons for doing tasks.
ae06d8442024-03-10 10:08:47CorbinPut more string formatting into templates. Also redo the...
30ca43cc2024-03-10 09:21:57CorbinStart using a template. This is partially because Jinja ...
5e95eea12024-03-10 06:12:32CorbinFix up the calendrical maths.
6141390c2024-03-09 15:11:54CorbinFigure out the datetime maths. Fuck, calendrical reasoni...
608c9ce92024-03-09 14:44:57CorbinStart building a Web frontend.
b986159b2024-01-15 11:58:47CorbinShebang and wrap every.py.
0d301f502024-01-14 06:30:14CorbinCheck that tasks exist before updating them.
178bc8d92024-01-13 12:37:05CorbinApparently this is tuple-like, not dict-like? Doesn't ma...
8e7e88192024-01-13 05:20:48CorbinAdd rlwrap to shell.
It's easy for me to do things every day, at a fixed time, in a rhythm. It's
much harder to remember to do things which only occur every few days, or every
quarter, or every few years.

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