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This is a fork of Zandronum Beta for TSPG.

Rev. Tiempo Autor
d12781ff58f0 2021-11-29 00:16:12 Adam Kaminski

- The result value of GAMEEVENT_CHAT event scripts can now be used to determine whether or not the chat message will be displayed. The saved chat message no longer contain color codes either.
- The cleaned chat string without color codes is now also sent to bots.

430c3c24794a 2021-11-28 23:38:45 Adam Kaminski

The result value of GAMEEVENT_ACTOR_DAMAGED event scripts can now be used to change the final damage that the target will take.

0bd4152f5ebf 2021-11-28 23:34:13 Adam Kaminski

Added support for deciding the outcome of certain game events by changing the result value of ACS EVENT scripts.

7e07c7c066c3 2021-11-28 15:10:18 Adam Kaminski

Fixed a crash when showing the scoreboard on team-based game modes that players earned kills in.

a613c42e9cf2 2021-11-28 10:33:02 Adam Kaminski

Allow players to reactivate the ThrustThing and ThrustThingZ line specials during a backtrace.

2545939214ad 2021-11-28 01:14:22 Adam Kaminski

Fixed lagging clients still feeling jittery on their ends due to the skip correction.

fecc8025b0d3 2021-11-28 01:07:16 Adam Kaminski

Fixed weapons being delayed or desynced, and shots being ignored for lagging clients in some cases, which were caused by the skip correction.

3333aad109f1 2021-11-28 01:04:30 Adam Kaminski

Fixed non-backup weapon select commands from being processed by the skip correction.

af1c493c8b3e 2021-11-25 09:04:26 Adam Kaminski

The backtrace is no longer cancelled if the player didn't press any inputs for all late commands.

63928018e6b9 2021-11-25 01:44:48 Adam Kaminski

Merged all the server commands that updated a team's score into one single command: "SetTeamScore".

e56995a8f6b8 2021-11-23 00:36:19 Adam Kaminski

Fixed players on different teams still being treated as allies in cooperative game modes.

13077cf4c274 2021-11-23 00:26:36 Adam Kaminski

Fixed players not spawning on coop spawns when playing cooperative game modes with teams.

fbf70e808d6b 2021-11-22 23:43:13 Adam Kaminski

Only append "Co-op" to the end of "Survival" on the countdown screen if survival hasn't been renamed to something else.

2a0119dfb64f 2021-11-22 07:38:19 Joshua Surace

Updated Git Info to Match Zandronum Latest Alpha.

bef9a71cd25d 2021-11-22 07:32:33 Joshua Surace

Repurposed cl_backupcommands so that clients can send backup commands for the server to use to perform a backtrace, even they suffer from packet loss. This means backup commands don't delay a player's input anymore.

bc71b20f4906 2021-11-22 07:23:55 Joshua Surace

Backed out changeset: 22b486393cf7
Removes: "Increase the client's ping proportionally to the number of expected backup commands."

ecc88581f001 2021-11-22 04:41:20 Adam Kaminski

Show how long a player must wait before respawning on the bottom of the screen if sv_respawndelaytime is greater than 1.

dc274d71c36b 2021-11-22 01:33:34 Benjamin Berkels

fixed a GCC warning

bab1ee78ac78 2021-11-22 00:46:16 Adam Kaminski

- A player's weapon sprites are no longer cycled while being extrapolated, but now do during a backtrace.
- Added a new member in secplane_t: "backtraceRestoreD", to save the floor/ceiling heights of all sectors before a backtrace is performed so that they're restored properly without interference due to unlagged reconciliation.

030ef0c65694 2021-11-20 23:54:51 Adam Kaminski

Added "cl_useskulltagmouse" which restores the old mouse movement from Zandronum 3.0 and earlier.

fb87f3720612 2021-11-20 13:07:16 Adam Kaminski

A player's tics and crouch state should always be restored when performing a backtrace now.

d9c3c27e9572 2021-11-20 07:54:03 Adam Kaminski

A client's backup commands are now cleared whenever they change cl_backupcommands.

272303b85997 2021-11-19 23:23:35 Adam Kaminski

Moved some code from P_Ticker over to SERVER_HandleSkipCorrection.

ed48c3edd000 2021-11-19 21:39:38 Adam Kaminski

Keep track of any specials the player executed during extrapolation so that if they execute the exact same special during a backtrace, the server can simply cancel the execution.

e4b0ce5c2498 2021-11-19 10:44:25 Adam Kaminski

A backtrace is no longer aborted because the player took environmental damage.

edb7d56d1e52 2021-11-19 10:40:05 Adam Kaminski

Backed out changeset: e59c29f7a11b
Removes: "Don't let players activate a thing's special by bumping into or using them while being backtraced."

9bfb03354b9e 2021-11-19 10:39:45 Adam Kaminski

Backed out changeset: 6efa764c923f
Removes: "Don't perform a backtrace on a player who activated any specials during extrapolation."

5faea5011638 2021-11-19 10:32:27 Adam Kaminski

A backtrace will now always succeed, and a position check is now done before a backtrace is perfomed to decide whether or not it's safe to proceed. This also means the player's actor flags don't need to be changed before or after a backtrace anymore.

dc7e9ebffc2e 2021-11-19 10:13:13 Adam Kaminski

Don't let the skip correction not process two movement commands in a single tic for a client anymore.

ca984c417a9c 2021-11-19 09:43:09 Adam Kaminski

Got rid of sv_extrapolatetics and sv_backtracethreshold, and changed sv_smoothplayers into an int CVar so hosts can still choose how many tics to extrapolate.