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Rev. Tiempo Autor
7f011ec2b2a5 2021-11-08 05:16:00 Sean Baggaley

Added new nextmap and nextsecret vote types.

2aa7d2d14c84 2021-11-07 22:20:25 Adam Kaminski

Fixed timestamps appearing twice in private messages containing the "/me" prefix.

d0f765f6f32a 2021-11-07 13:37:08 Adam Kaminski

Added another check so that clients can't maliciously send private messages to invalid players or bots.

29b6efb9754a 2021-11-07 13:25:15 Adam Kaminski

Make sure we've read the entire byte stream of a CLC_SAY command before making any important checks. Also added a check so that clients can't maliciously send private messages to themselves.

f93ae13e9596 2021-11-06 08:56:31 Joshua Surace

Fixed a Mac OS compile error.

b92572d5324d 2021-11-06 07:54:13 Adam Kaminski

Let clients set a sector's friction level in P_SpawnSpecials, since the server only tells them about a sector's friction level if it actually changed.

4195a66bfce9 2021-11-04 08:38:55 Adam Kaminski

Fixed player names not being truncated properly if they're longer than MAXPLAYERNAMEBUFFER.

1277abe169f9 2021-11-02 23:01:17 Adam Kaminski

Removed an extra frame from the InMenu icon's animation loop.

cbcf4b7629d8 2021-11-02 00:20:12 Adam Kaminski

Fixed players being frozen and the level being changed a second time if it was previously changed during the results sequence.

845474b7e3e7 2021-11-01 23:12:10 Adam Kaminski

SetDeadSpectator can now revive dead spectators while the game is waiting for players or in the countdown sequence.

3e9b2a7c87a8 2021-11-01 13:54:10 Adam Kaminski

Fixed a "connection interrupted" issue that newly connected players got if cl_startasspectator was disabled for them.

671f6c0bf343 2021-10-31 23:17:16 Adam Kaminski

Fixed only movement commands that arrived too late from being ignored. We must also ignore backup weapon select commands that arrive too late.

c635d7933912 2021-10-31 21:51:30 Adam Kaminski

Fixed the RCON login menu from opening instead if the user tried opening the save menu in an online game.

719961fae9fa 2021-10-31 09:27:34 Adam Kaminski

Fixed a server crash that occurred if the player changed their class then joined spectators.

366f5d10bc73 2021-10-31 02:16:29 Adam Kaminski

Added more debug information to sv_smoothplayers_debuginfo.

07aa30b6be5f 2021-10-31 01:56:03 Adam Kaminski

Fixed the client's last movement command and gametic not being updated when a backtrace isn't performed.

94e24a5f2126 2021-10-31 01:44:04 Adam Kaminski

Added a check in SERVER_ResetClientTicBuffer to ensure that the client is valid.

ae2750a2491f 2021-10-31 01:42:49 Adam Kaminski

Changed the object of the LastMoveCMD pointer member in CLIENT_s, from ClientCommand to ClientMoveCommand.

69d7f3b61b9b 2021-10-29 12:00:43 Adam Kaminski

Fixed a crash that occurred when restoring certain CVars modified by ConsoleCommand back to their original values upon exiting the game.

431ddc8a6c27 2021-10-28 22:38:15 Adam Kaminski

Fixed some misleading information in the version history.

1e8f828d6169 2021-10-28 22:17:45 Adam Kaminski

Compatibility flags can no longer be used in a flag vote.

e6fda3d9a7da 2021-10-28 14:17:11 Adam Kaminski

Changed the default value of "sv_noflagvote" to true. Server hosts will now have to enable this vote type in case they're okay with players changing game settings.

72dea92ff701 2021-10-28 14:08:55 Adam Kaminski

Changed some char pointers into FString objects. This particuarly fixes a crash when clients tried calling a flag vote on Linux servers.

d0c7ef866114 2021-10-28 11:13:04 Adam Kaminski

Did more cleanup in ChangeSpy and fixed dead spectators being unable to spy on enemy players in teamlms if lms_spectatorview was enabled.

64c593e0162c 2021-10-28 03:26:55 Adam Kaminski

"sv_shootthroughallies" and "sv_dontpushallies" now apply to actors designated to a player's team.

29ca4865441a 2021-10-27 23:10:41 Adam Kaminski

Fixed the wiki links under the help tab in the server console window.

b2481d649f59 2021-10-27 23:09:49 Adam Kaminski

Fixed the server sending color codes in the hostname to RCON clients.

d97d2c3bea29 2021-10-26 23:39:07 Adam Kaminski

Merged CLC_VOTEYES and CLC_VOTENO into a single client command: CLC_VOTE.

a1d1b474742f 2021-10-25 08:30:58 Adam Kaminski

Fixed backup weapon select commands being parsed incorrectly.

d86cb8c0b017 2021-10-25 05:22:34 Adam Kaminski

Intensified the warning message for "cl_backupcommands" in the network options menu.