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Source code written in the old pre-ANSI Microware C, Libre license. Not sure the current source compiles, nor that the objects survived the journey.

Nombre Tamaño Rev. Tiempo Autor Log Message
board.c 9.83 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
board.h 2.5 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
board.r 4.14 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
common.h 1.63 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
keybd.h 1.64 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
process.h 1.38 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
rand.c 2.75 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
rand.h 1.41 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
rand.r 413 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
readme.txt 1.42 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
rev_img.a 21.05 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
rev_img.h 1.7 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
rev_img.r 1.47 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
reversa 13.92 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
reversa.c 19.88 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
reversi 14.53 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
reversi.ar 37.84 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
reversi.c 17.92 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
reversi.ps 4.74 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...
reversi.r 6.24 k 993407f 2020-10-08 20:07:26 Joel Matthew Rees As it survived the trip across the Ma...
string.h 2 k 7ebede1 2020-10-08 22:10:51 Joel Matthew Rees Licensing where public domain not rec...


This collection of files is a (very crude) version of the game of Reversi, for 
Microware C develiopment system for Color Computer OS-9/6809.

The compiler was a pre-ANSI-C version. Prototypes in the header files are therefore 
strictly for documentational purposes.

The main routine is defined in the file reversa.c/reversi.c. reversa.c was an attempt 
to get some speed improvement by re-writing the scanning routine, radar(), in assembly 
language. I don't remember how much improvement I got, but it was not very much, maybe 

xxx.r (xxx.ar) files are linkable object, and extensionless files are the executable 
object (if they all survived intact). xxx.a is assembly language. The other files 
should be fairly self-explanatory, if you know OS-9/6809 on the old Color Computer. 
You may have to convert line endings.

I also re-wrote the program for Turbo-C/DOS (I don't seem to find that version handy.) 
before the re-write that is this collection of files. I don't know that it is really 
meaningful to include the linkable and executable objects, but I do so anyway. They 
aren't that big.

I may re-write this for the Mac for practice, and I may not. I have lots of fun 
projects and no where near enough time.

I assign all my rights to the program and algorithm, source and object, to the public 
domain. (Be warned, the strategy is not that great.)

Joel Matthew Rees, Takino, Kato, Hyogo, Japan, February 2000