Super FAQs

  • No movie playback!
    -> You need to install codecs.
  • No guitar mode!
    -> Possibly your dtx files does not contain guitar notes. (DTX files with guitar notes are very rare)

For DTXMania Players

How to install DTXMania into my Windows computer

How to connect GuitarFreaks / DrumMania (GITADORA!) controller for PlayStation

How to connect E-Drums (DTX/DTXPRESS series, Soul Drummer etc)

Pad/keyboard assign

DTXMania basic operations (Difficulty changes, key operations etc)

Troubleshooting (No sound, out-of-sync sound, etc)

Miscellaneous items (making subfolder, judgement severity etc)

For DTX data Manipulators

DTX data making (overall)

DTXCreator basic operations

DTXCreator useful operations

Editing WAVE file

BPM investigations, how-to sync music and sound chips