Poppler is a PDF rendering library derived from xpdf. It has been enhanced to utilize modern libraries, and new features have been added. It also provides basic command line utilities.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Se corrigió un error al intentar guardar un archivo con cifrar que no ha sido modificado. Cuando se buscan fuentes opcionales, .otf fuentes son ahora incluido. Un desbordamiento de pila en PDFDoc::markObject() se resolvió. Las utilidades pdfunite y pdfseparate ahora inicializar correctamente globalParams. El sistema de compilación ahora comprueba el correcto el cairo-ft y otros backends del cairo.
Minor bugfixes
A failure when trying to save a file with Encrypt that has not been modified was fixed. When finding substitute fonts, .otf fonts are now included. A stack overflow in PDFDoc::markObject() was resolved. The utilities pdfunite and pdfseparate now properly initialize globalParams. The build system now checks for the correct cairo-ft and other cairo backends.