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Descripción del Proyecto

The Interreality project is a collection of Open Source, Free Software projects based on the Virtual Object System (VOS) platform. The goal is to develop a free and open platform for multi-user 3D virtual reality games, applications, and interactive, collaborative 3D virtual spaces. VOS is a powerful and generic network object framework designed to support a variety of high-performance applications. It is the basis for Ter'Angreal, a general-purpose browser application for entering and participating in 3D worlds.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-08-30 16:36 Back to release list

Correcciones importantes fueron introducidas en el Código de redes. El navegador ahora es compatible con una barra de progreso. Burbujas de voz, detección de colisiones y de la gravedad, y el apoyo AMD64 han sido añadidas. Se mejoró el soporte de Win32. La última versión CVS de espacio de cristal es necesario.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Important fixes were made to the networking code.
The browser now supports a progress bar. Speech
bubbles, collision detection and gravity, and
AMD64 support were added. Win32 support was
improved. The latest CVS version of crystal space
is required.

Project Resources