Fixed some descrepancies in sector information for newly connected clients
Thanks for the patch! Looks very good, I just noticed a related problem due to your static_cast<signed> casts: I think instead of casting the results of GetAngle, we should change SavedCeilingAngle and SavedFloorAngle in sector_t to angle_t.
I made revisions to the previous patch. The data types of SavedCeilingAngle and SavedFloorAngle have been changed to angle_t, so now those static_cast<signed> calls are no longer needed.
Thanks! I added your updated patch.
With this patch, the server now only sends information about a sector to newly connected clients if their current values are different from the saved values, not when they're different from the default values (e.g. 0.0 for texture offsets, or 1.0 for texture scale). The fixes the floor alignment issues reported in: