Simple Project List Software Map

1774 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2014-05-12 22:05


Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories, and devices on a Unix system. It conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. It can be used to monitor files, directories, and devices for changes, such as timestamps changes, checksum changes, or size changes. It is controlled via an easy to configure control file based on a free-format, token-oriented syntax. It logs to syslog or to its own log file and notifies users about error conditions via customizable alert messages. It can perform various TCP/IP network checks, protocol checks, and can utilize SSL for such checks. It provides an HTTP(S) interface for access.

Última actualización: 2014-05-22 07:49

Linux Security Auditing Tool

Linux Security Auditing Tool (LSAT) is a post install security auditing tool. It is modular in design, so new features can be added quickly. It checks many system configurations and local network settings on the system for common security/config errors and for packages that are not needed. It has been tested on Linux (Gentoo, Red Hat, Debian, etc.) and Solaris (SunOS 2.x).

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2014-06-03 08:35


JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid.

Última actualización: 2009-08-16 17:35


OpenWebMail is a full-featured Webmail, address book, calendar, and Webdisk system that is designed to manage very large mail folder files in a quick and memory efficient way.

Última actualización: 2014-05-12 22:05


QCAD is an application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With QCAD, you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts, or schematics and diagrams. QCAD can be easily extended through plugins and its very powerful and complete ECMAScript (JavaScript) interface.

Última actualización: 2014-06-09 21:24


Worker is a file manager for the X Window System with the classical two panel interface. It features a fully graphical configuration, while still allowing manual editing of the configuration file without the need to restart Worker. Any external program can be integrated easily into the GUI using buttons, hotkeys, and file type actions. Worker uses file recognition by file content or by filename extension (or both). Different actions with completely configurable commands can be assigned to each file type.

Última actualización: 2014-04-10 21:13

dillo Web browser

Dillo Web browser is a very fast, extremely small Web browser that's written in C and C++. The source is around 600 KB, and the static binary is about 980KB. It is a graphical browser built upon FLTK-1.3, and it renders a good subset of HTML and CSS, excluding frames, JavaScript, and JVM support.

Última actualización: 2006-05-04 12:21


ADODB is a set of advanced PHP database abstraction classes. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, Informix, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Oracle, MS SQL 7 and 2000, SAP DB, Sybase, DB2, FrontBase, Foxpro, Access, Netezza, LDAP, ODBTP, ADO, and generic ODBC. A metatype system is built in, making it possible to figure out that types such as CHAR, TEXT, and STRING are equivalent in different databases. It also features portable database creation, database-backed session support (with encryption), SQL performance monitoring, and database health checks.

Última actualización: 2014-06-16 08:30

Disk ARchive

Dar is a shell command that makes backup of a directory tree and files. Its features include splitting archives over several files, DVD, CD, ZIP, or floppies, compression, full or differential backups, strong encryption, proper saving and restoration of hard links, extended attributes, file forks, Door inodes, and sparse files, remote backup using pipes and external commands (such as ssh), and rearrangement of the "slices" of an existing archive. It can run commands between slices, before and after saving some defined files or directories (for a proper database backup, for example), and quickly retrieve individual files from differential and full backups. Several external GUIs exist as alternatives to its CLI interface, like kdar, DarGUI, SaraB, etc.

Última actualización: 2014-05-28 08:32


jpegoptim is a utility for optimizing JPEG files. It provides lossless
optimization (based on optimizing the Huffman tables) and "lossy"
optimization based on setting a maximum quality factor.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2014-03-10 01:58


Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem, etc.), socket (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), SSL, a client for SOCKS4, or proxy CONNECT. It supports broadcasts and multicasts, abstract Unix sockets, Linux tun/tap, GNU readline, and PTYs. It provides forking, logging, and dumping and different modes for interprocess communication. Many options are available for tuning socat and its channels. Socat can be used, for example, as a TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as a daemon-based socksifier, as a shell interface to Unix sockets, as an IP6 relay, or for redirecting TCP-oriented programs to a serial line.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2013-07-22 19:24

Request Tracker

RT is an industrial-grade trouble ticketing system. It lets a group of people intelligently and efficiently manage requests submitted by a community of users. RT is used by systems administrators, customer support staffs, NOCs, developers, and even marketing departments to track issues, outages, bugs, requests, and all kinds of other things at thousands of sites around the world.

Última actualización: 2013-09-15 16:52


Wine is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.

Última actualización: 2012-09-22 22:03


OTRS is a platform independent Web-based help desk system that supports service organization of any kind (e.g. IT service, customer and technical product service, complaint management, public services, etc.) to increase their efficiency. It increases transparency as well as service quality and lowers your total cost of ownership. It has been certified ITIL V3 compatible by PinkVERIFY for incident, problem, change, service asset and configuration, request fulfillment, and knowledge management. Other ITIL processes like service catalog and service level management are supported as well.

Última actualización: 2013-12-21 08:03

GNU TeXmacs

GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content: text, mathematics, graphics, interactive content. TeXmacs can also be used as an interface to many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, and statistics. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using Scheme.