Simple Project List Software Map

22870 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2013-09-16 16:53


Qt is a comprehensive, object-oriented development framework that enables development of high-performance, cross-platform rich-client and server-side applications. When you implement a program with Qt, you can run it on the X Window System (Unix/X11), Apple Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows NT/9x/2000/XP by simply compiling the source code for the platform you want. Qt is the basis for the KDE desktop environment, and is also used in numerous commercial applications such as Google Earth, Skype for Linux, and Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Última actualización: 2014-06-03 08:35


Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a free powerful Web server logfile analyzer (Perl script) that shows you all your Web statistics including visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines, keywords used to find your site, robots, broken links, and more. It works with both IIS 5.0+ and Apache Web server log files as a CGI and/or from the command line. It also supports around 40 languages.

Última actualización: 2010-11-19 20:00


famicom ROM cartridge のデータ転送を行います。 ハードウェアはオリジナルハード kazzo を使用します。

Estado de desarrollo: 4 - Beta
Sistema Operativo: Linux, Windows
Lenguaje de Programación: C, C++
User Interface: Console (Text Based), wxWidgets
Register Date: 2008-11-12 19:23
Última actualización: 2014-06-16 08:43


XWiki is a WikiWiki clone written in Java that supports many popular features of other Wikis like the Wiki syntax, version control, attachments, security, and searching, but also many advanced features like templates, database and dynamic development using scripting languages (Velocity, Groovy, Ruby, Python, PHP, and more), an extension system and skinability, J2EE scalability, an XML/RPC remote API, statistics, RSS feeds, PDF exporting, WYSIWYG editing, an Office viewer and importer, and a lot more.

Última actualización: 2014-05-11 12:49


Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in Python. It is based on the cross platform Qt GUI toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as an everyday quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool, integrating many advanced features that Python offers the professional coder. Eric includes a plug-in system, which allows easy extension of the IDE functionality with plug-ins downloadable from the net. Current stable versions are Eric4 based on Qt4 and Python 2 and Eric5 based on Python 3 and Qt4.

Última actualización: 2018-06-08 07:29

Win32 Disk Imager

このプログラムは、RAWディスクイメージをリムーバブルデバイスに書き込むか、もしくはリムーバブルデバイスをRAWイメージディスクにバックアップすることに設計されています。これはAndroidやUbuntu on ArmといったArm用の組込み開発にとって非常に有用です。誰もがプロジェクトを分機し、改変することもできます。パッチはいつも歓迎です。

Estado de desarrollo: 4 - Beta
Usuarios objetivo: Advanced End Users
Sistema Operativo: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Lenguaje de Programación: C++
User Interface: Qt
Última actualización: 2011-09-10 01:02

dillo Web browser

Dillo Web browser is a very fast, extremely small Web browser that's written in C and C++. The source is around 600 KB, and the static binary is about 980KB. It is a graphical browser built upon FLTK-1.3, and it renders a good subset of HTML and CSS, excluding frames, JavaScript, and JVM support.

Última actualización: 2014-06-04 22:47

Horde Application Framework

The Horde Application Framework is a modular, general-purpose Web application framework. It provides an extensive array of classes that are targeted at the common problems and tasks involved in developing modern Web applications.

Última actualización: 2013-06-10 14:32


GLib is a library containing many useful C routines for things such as trees, hashes, and lists. GLib was previously distributed with the GTK toolkit, but has been split off as of the developers' version 1.1.0.

Última actualización: 2013-07-08 20:53


GTK, which stands for the Gimp ToolKit, is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. It is designed to be small and efficient, but still flexible enough to allow the programmer freedom in the interfaces created. GTK provides some unique features over standard widget libraries.

Última actualización: 2015-06-01 15:59

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema

MPC-HC は非常に軽量な Windows 用オープン ソースのメディア プレーヤーです。再生に使用される一般的なすべてのビデオおよびオーディオ ファイル形式をサポートしています。私たちは 100% スパイウェアを含まず、広告やツール バーもありません。

このプロジェクトは、オリジナルの Guliverkli プロジェクト を基に、機能追加およびバグ修正を行っています。詳細については、プロジェクトのウェブサイトにあるリスト(完全版)を参照してください。

Última actualización: 2021-10-06 03:37

Clover EFI bootloader

これはEDK2/Duet ブートローダー ( )に代わるものとして作成された BIOS ベースのコンピューターのためのEFIベースのブートローダーです。

Última actualización: 2023-01-15 18:53

Ctlos Linux

Ctlos Linux — iso образ, основанный на Arch Linux, собранный с помощью archiso скриптов. Официально доступно несколько версий, с различными рабочими окружениями.

Web page:





Проект с открытым исходным кодом. Некоторые компоненты лицензируются в соответствии с GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 или более поздней.

Estado de desarrollo: 4 - Beta, 5 - Production/Stable, 6 - Mature
Usuarios objetivo: Advanced End Users, Developers
Lenguaje Natural: English, Russian
Lenguaje de Programación: Python, Unix Shell
User Interface: X11 Applications, GTK+, Qt
Register Date: 2020-06-29 02:14
Última actualización: 2018-12-15 18:22

nkf Network Kanji Filter

ものすごく古い漢字コード変換プログラムであるnkfを、 メンテナンスするプロジェクトです。

Lenguaje Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operativo: OS Independent
Lenguaje de Programación: C
User Interface: Console (Text Based)
Register Date: 2002-09-20 13:45
Última actualización: 2009-09-21 21:20


FCKeditor is an HTML/DHTML editor for ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, and JavaScript that brings to the Web much of the powerful functionality of known desktop editors like Word. It's very lightweight, and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer.