Simple Project List Software Map

21 projects in result set


Please note: we have decided to move the repositories over to github. Please see

APES is a simulation suite for highly resolved physical simulations (mainly fluid dynamics) on massively parallel computing systems. It is based on octree meshes and their partitioning with a space-filling curve for distributed execution with the Message Passing Interface (MPI).

The suite covers all necessary tools from mesh generation (seeder) to post-processing (harvesting) and includes a Discontinuous Galerkin (ateles) and a Lattice-Boltzmann (musubi) solver within in this infrastructure. APES is available as open-source but there are various open-source licenses involved for different parts of the code. A large fraction is released under the terms of the ISC license.

The APES solvers have shown good scalability on hundreds of thousands of cores and runs on a wide range of different architectures from IBMs BlueGene to NEC SX vector systems.

The core library treelm is released under the two-clause BSD-license. The Aotus library, which is used for the user interface of the tools in the APES suite is released under the terms of the MIT license, and third party code included for convenience includes: GPL for coco, which is small program used for preprocessing the Fortran source code, BSD for waf that is used as a build tool, a modified BSD for extractions of LAPACK code, a custom license by Reiji Suda for FXTPACK, which states the following:

Anyone can use FXTPACK in any software, and anyone can modify the
source files.

When you publish your software that uses FXTPACK or its modification,
please mention that FXTPACK developed by Reiji Suda is used, in the

When you publish your paper of your research that uses FXTPACK,
please refer the paper [R. Suda, M. Takami, "A Fast Spherical Harmonics
Transform Algorithm", Math. Comp., 71-238, Apr. 2002, pp.703--715]
(and [R. SUda, "Fast Spherical Harmonic Transform Algorithm based on·
Generalized Fast Multiple Method", RIMS Kokyuroku vol 1606,
pp. 18-29, Jun. 2008, RIMS, Kyoto University]).

FXTPACK is only used as an optional feature in polynomial handling for the discontinuous Galerkin solver, another alternative is offered by the FFTW, but that library is not included in the source distribution.


joborun linux binary repositories

Estado de desarrollo: 5 - Production/Stable
Licencia: ISC License
Lenguaje Natural: English
Sistema Operativo: Linux
Register Date: 2023-02-14 19:27


Mass-scanning port 25/tcp then checking if STARTTLS is enforced or not

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2019-12-18 16:07


A test project to determine if osdn with work for me

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2020-08-13 20:30


"My Own Backup System", or "Mathieu Olivier's Backup System", is a Python module and an application to create, test, and restore file backups. The backups are created using standard file formats such a ZIP archives and JSON files, which allows the restoration of a backed up file even without the MOBS tool. It supports full or incremental backups. Although it's developed on Linux first, MOBS aims to become a cross-platform backup solution

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2021-05-03 03:08


this is a test and must be deleted

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2022-02-18 10:11

Joborun Linux

Arch-Linux inspired, not based, not a fork in the true sense but really a fork. Generally source based and conceived, but without a finite commitment. The source and git/archiving technique will always accommodate the quick and effortless way to build from source.

All core base system packages rebuilt without systemd, udev, logind, and resistance to using zstd, but having the ability to use it selectively or by the package manager to decompress zstd compressed packages. Also optionally turn off all ipv6 functionality, since it only serves the "internet's" problems and not our own, yet!

For everything that Obarun provides, packages with direct systemd running dependencies, its init and service supervision software, joborun acts as complimentary. In rare cases where we disagree with the way Obarun has built a package we will rebuild our own. Pacman and its configuration keeps the system in order, drawing the most essential base system from joborun, the rest from obarun, and whatever else may be needed either from arch or by selecting to build from source in a quick automated way.

In addition, we have repackaged Obarun's 66 to cohabitate with runit, we will provide an initial setup for both and only runit on the base iso. We will support no particular DE or DM, we consider them useless and only of aesthetic value to users in need of an ms-windows/apple kind of graphic computing environment. We are oriented to unix like sysadmins, not those who seek ms-win alternatives for free (as in beer) but those who seek freedom from mega-corporation control and influences.

The resulting system can easily be converted to "just Obarun" at any point, or anything else without a need for re-installation. Obarun already provides a tool to make sure your installation is purely obarun, which means it will replace all joborun packages with Arch.

The name: JWM OpenBox Obrarun RUNit therefore has the above meaning. The logo reveals an A for Arch fading and an O for Obarun becoming more complete.

For more information see our website at

Estado de desarrollo: 2 - Pre-Alpha, 3 - Alpha, 4 - Beta
Licencia: ISC License
Lenguaje Natural: English
Sistema Operativo: Linux, Other, Other Operating Systems
Temas: Linux, Live CD
Register Date: 2022-02-02 23:52


Near fig Forth interpreter for the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer.

Written in 6809 assembly language.

Features nested binary tree vocabularies.

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2019-04-06 15:54


Another Programming Language.

Estado de desarrollo: 1 - Planning
Usuarios objetivo: Other Viewers
Lenguaje Natural: English
Sistema Operativo: OS Independent
Lenguaje de Programación: C, Other
Register Date: 2021-05-15 01:48

Eliza 6000

This is intended to be a historically accurate re-implementation of Weizenbaum's famous 1966 program ELIZA, runnable on the Living Computer Museum's recently restored 1967 CDC mainframe computer.

Museum visitors (and people elsewhere in the world, who log in to the mainframe remotely via the Internet) not only will be able to have a conversation with the program's simulated AI, but also will be able to "teach" it new responses, as Weizenbaum originally intended, using Weizenbaum's original syntax.

Estado de desarrollo: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Licencia: ISC License
Lenguaje Natural: English
Sistema Operativo: Other Operating Systems
Lenguaje de Programación: Lisp
Temas: Linguistics
User Interface: Console/Terminal
Register Date: 2019-02-01 08:43


Hans' *nix code, a small collection of tools in various languages to make everyday life easy and simple on my Slackware and OpenBSD computers.

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2019-08-22 05:22


A minimal set of configuration files and shell scripts to quickly setup a secure development environment on a freshly installed OpenBSD system. This includes configuring the shell (ksh), firewall (pf), window manager (FVWM) and GUI terminal (Xterm). Additional shell scripts will be provided to install and configure Emacs, Chromium browser and rust compiler & package manager (cargo).

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2017-10-16 21:08


Hans' tools, an amalgamation of C code collected through personal and professional experiences.

Licencia: ISC License
Register Date: 2019-08-22 05:18
Última actualización: 2015-08-06 15:40



Última actualización: 2009-06-23 22:09

Methabot Web Crawler

メタノールは、多目的のスクリプト実行可能 web 拡張構成システムと建築設計の速度が最適化されたシステムをクロールです。Methabot は、メタノールの web クローラーです。

(Machine Translation)