Simple Project List Software Map

2546 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2011-02-21 09:41


XOOPS is a popular CMS (content management system) written in PHP. It supports MySQL, and is an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community Web sites, intra-company portals, corporate portals, Web logs, and much more.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2008-09-21 19:39


ELinks is an advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode Web (HTTP, FTP, etc.) browser. It can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable, and can be extended via Lua, Guile, Perl, or Ruby scripts. It has limited support for CSS and Javascript.

Última actualización: 2013-12-30 01:14


OpenPSA is a Web application designed specifically to meet the needs of Web agencies and consultants. It aims to be a one-stop solution for the management of typical agency business processes, such as project management and time tracking, invoicing and document management, and group calendars. It also includes CRM features such as sales force automation and direct marketing, and is extendable via the builtin component framework.

Última actualización: 2014-03-21 19:14

Tiny Tiny RSS

Tiny Tiny RSS is a Web-based news (RSS, RDF, or Atom) feed aggregator
designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as
close to a real desktop application as possible.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2015-04-01 19:27

ONVIF Device Manager

ONVIF Device Manager は、ネットワークビデオトランスミッター(NVT)およびネットワークビデオ解析(NVA)デバイスを管理するためのネットワークビデオクライアント(NVC)です。検出、デバイス、メディア、イメージング、解析、イベント、PTAサービスなどが実装されています。メディアデコードのためにffmpegを使い、C#で書かれています。

Última actualización: 2014-05-04 01:09


PSX is a PHP framework for creating RESTful APIs. It helps you to build clean URLs serving Web standard formats like JSON, XML, Atom, and RSS. It includes a handler system that abstracts away SQL queries from domain logic, a routing system that executes correct controller method for the location of the controller and the method annotation, and a flexible data system that converts database records into formats like JSON, XML, Atom, and RSS. A lightweight DI container handles dependencies. The controller supports request and response filters that can modify the HTTP request or response, and filters are provided for Basic and Oauth authentication.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2014-04-15 12:49


Nowadays, a simple password is not enough anymore!
Multi-OTP is an OATH-certified PHP class, a Web interface, and a powerful command line tool that can be used to authenticate and manage OTP user tokens for strong two-factor authentication. It can create, update, and delete tokens to authenticate users with one time passwords (OTP). The users' data are stored in files. The class can also check the user token using several algorithms: Mobile OTP (MOTP), OATH/HOTP (RFC 4226), and OATH/TOTP HOTP Time Based (RFC 4226 extension). It works with compatible software tokens (iPhone, Android, PalmOS, Nokia, and other Java J2ME capable phones) and hardware tokens (such as Feitian, ZyXEL, Authenex, or Seamoon). The multiotp command line utility is also provided, both in "compiled" form (for Windows) and in source code (for Linux or educational purpose). The multiotp command line can be combined with FreeRADIUS (under Linux) or the free TekRADIUS LT (under Windows) in order to have a powerful radius strong authentication server.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2014-03-03 20:28


DocFetcher is a desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of documents on your computer. You can think of it as Google for your local files.

Lenguaje Natural: English, German
Sistema Operativo: MacOSX, Linux, Windows, Windows
Lenguaje de Programación: Java
User Interface: Eclipse, Excel
Última actualización: 2012-01-08 00:28

GLE (Graphics Layout Engine)

GLE (Graphics Layout Engine) is a graphics scripting language designed for creating publication quality figures (e.g., a chart, plot, graph, or diagram). GLE supports various chart types (including function plot, histogram, bar chart, scatter plot, contour plot, color map, and surface plot) through a simple but flexible set of graphing commands. More complex output can be created by relying on GLE's scripting language, which is full featured with subroutines, variables, and logic control. GLE relies on LaTeX for text output and supports mathematical formulae in graphs and figures.

Última actualización: 2008-06-23 13:24


CMSimple is a simple content management system for simple maintainance of small commercial or private sites. It has a simple installation, is easy to modify, and offers an unique combination of features. It uses an HTML-file for storing the entire site, which can be edited in your favorite editor. It has a dynamic TOC and document locator, a WYSIWYG editor (no plugin--functions in IE and Mozilla), a search function, link validation, image handling, and automatic backup. It is easy to set up your own layout; just edit the template and stylesheet.

Última actualización: 2014-03-27 23:01


GroupServer is a Web-based mailing list manager designed for large sites. It provides email interaction like a traditional mailing list manager but also supports reading, searching, and posting of messages and files via the Web. Users have forum-style profiles, and can manage their email addresses and other settings using the same Web interface. It has supports features such as Atom feeds, a basic CMS, statistics, multiple verified addresses per user, and bounce detection, and is able to be heavily customized.

Última actualización: 2014-02-25 02:12


eXist is a native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing. It provides a complete ecosystem for building applications entirely based on XML, XQuery, and related standards. The high-performance XML database engine stores textual or binary data and documents without requiring a database schema. Using XML across all layers makes mapping technologies superfluous and increases productivity. A browser-based IDE and a standardized application packaging system help developers get started quickly.

Sistema Operativo: OS Independent
Lenguaje de Programación: Java
User Interface: Web Environment
Última actualización: 2013-04-30 02:09


LibrePlan is a Web application for project planning, monitoring, and control. It is a collaborative tool to plan, monitor, and control projects and has a rich Web interface that provides a desktop-like user experience. All the team members can take part in the planning, which makes it possible to have real-time planning. It was designed for a scenario where multiple projects and resources interact to carry out the work inside a company. It makes it possible to communicate with other company tools, providing a wide set of Web services to import and export data.

Estado de desarrollo: 1 - Planning
Usuarios objetivo: Management
Sistema Operativo: Linux
Lenguaje de Programación: Java, JavaScript
Última actualización: 2014-02-23 18:36


OpenTrafficShaper is an traffic shaping package for Linux. It is designed to be extremely lightweight and bring a truly enterprise featureset to the Linux operating system. Its features include user, group, and IP-based shaping, traffic classes, and RADIUS integration.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2011-12-04 16:32

Redland RDF Library

Redland is a set of C libraries providing a high-level API for the Resource Description Framework (RDF), allowing it to be stored, parsed, serialized, queried, and manipulated. It has an object-based, modular design and comes with detailed reference documentation and examples. Redland supports all RDF vocabularies such as FOAF, RSS 1.0, Dublin Core, DOAP, and OWL, the query languages SPARQL and RDQL, and all RDF syntaxes including Turtle, RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, RSS, Atom, RDFa, and GRDDL.