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Descripción del Proyecto

K-3D is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux & Win32. Features include creation and editing of geometry in multiple realtime OpenGL solid, shaded, and texture-mapped views; unlimited undos and redos; complete extensibility at runtime through third-party plugins; animated procedural geometric effects; all parameters animatable through a consistent control-spline based interface; rendering pipeline to Renderman Interface compliant rendering engines; optimization for use with the Aqsis rendering engine, which features solid modelling, true displacement, and user programmable shaders; and support for background and batch rendering.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-09-09 12:32 Back to release list

El sistema de construcción se ha mejorado para mejorar la portabilidad entre plataformas soportadas Debian, Darwin, Mac OS X, y GCC 3.4. Se mejora también se incluye la subdivisión de superficies de manipulación, una deformación ósea mejorada, un filtro de OpenFX nuevos de importación, y un mini-tutorial sobre animaciones. El programa es ahora un paquete oficial de Debian.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The build system was enhanced to improve portability
among Debian supported platforms, Darwin, Mac OS
X, and GCC 3.4. It also included improved subdivision
surfaces handling, an enhanced deformation bone, a
new OpenFX import filter, and a mini-tutorial on
animations. The program is now an official Debian

Project Resources