Simple Project List Software Map

165 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2014-01-15 19:51

Android Pattern Unlocker

テスト済みデバイス: 1. 三星銀河 Y 2. 三星銀河 Y Duos 手順: 1. コピー メモリ カード 2. のルートに両方のファイルをあなたの android デバイス 3. 今スイッチあなたデバイス 4. プレス ボリューム今オフそのメモリ カードを挿入 + パワー一緒にこのモードのタッチで回復モード 5. を始めるために家ボタンは動作しませんのでボリュームの上下キーを使用して移動し、ホーム ボタン 6. 今選択 'sd カードから zip を更新' 7. 今を使用して選択'' 8. 黄色の色の選択メニューは 'sd カードから zip を選択' 11. Select '' 12. 現在選択 'はい' 13. その後プロセスは完了を選択し、9. 選択「sd カードから zip をインストールする」10. を表示お使いのデバイスは今パターンを設定する新しい lo 16. ロックを解除いくつかの時間 14. 今戻ると選択再起動デバイス ' 15. 今描画任意パターンを押した後

(Machine Translation)
Estado de desarrollo: 6 - Mature
Usuarios objetivo: Advanced End Users
Sistema Operativo: Android
Lenguaje de Programación: Unix Shell
Última actualización: 2012-05-13 01:45


QElectroTech helps you to design electric schematics. It includes a schematic editor, a symbol editor, and a title block editor. It uses XML files to store the produced contents.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2022-08-15 20:14

Sawarabi Fonts

Japanese fonts licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Gothic and mincho typefaces are released (but the both of them are under developing, and lack many glyphs now.)

Estado de desarrollo: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Lenguaje Natural: Japanese
Temas: Fonts
Register Date: 2008-11-25 18:28
Última actualización: 2017-07-29 19:08



Register Date: 2016-07-04 19:52
Última actualización: 2021-02-01 22:50


Test mirror of OI-wiki, which is not only the manual of competitive programming.

Register Date: 2021-02-01 19:58


This is a very meaningful and useful projects, I hope and interested people with the development of it.

Database Environment: SQL-based
Estado de desarrollo: 3 - Alpha
Usuarios objetivo: Advanced End Users
Lenguaje Natural: English
Sistema Operativo: Cygwin (MS Windows)
Lenguaje de Programación: PHP
Temas: BBS
User Interface: Handheld/Mobile/PDA
Register Date: 2012-01-03 22:03
Última actualización: 2020-05-23 18:40



* 画像ファイルの更新日時をその画像の撮影日時とします。(Exi情報は無視します)
  ※ 対象とするファイルは'*.jpg'のみ

* 精確な時刻との時差を入力することで、撮影日時...

Estado de desarrollo: 4 - Beta
Lenguaje Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operativo: OS Independent
Lenguaje de Programación: Java
User Interface: Command-line
Register Date: 2012-10-09 00:17
Última actualización: 2016-11-13 08:37

Rubyリファレンスマニュアル ch



Estado de desarrollo: 5 - Production/Stable
Usuarios objetivo: Developers
Lenguaje Natural: Japanese
Sistema Operativo: Windows
Lenguaje de Programación: Ruby
Temas: Documentation
Register Date: 2012-04-29 20:25


un esperimento que voy a llevar acabo para ver cuanto es mi novel de principiante

Register Date: 2020-04-07 10:08

Open Source Group Japan

Open Source Group Japan is a non-profit, voluntary association that promotes the spread of Open Source Software and Free Software Culture and enlightened activities, while engaging in activities to protect open source culture. Another goal is to contribute to the sound development of the Open Source community. Open Source Group Japan was established on August 13, 2000.

Open Source Group Japan works on the following sorts of projects.

  • Management of Open Source(R) Trademarks in order to protect Open Source culture. Open Source Group Japan has acquired the OPENSOURCE(R) trademark in Japan.
  • Functioning as a representative liaison for the Open Source community in Japan, engaging in public relations and working with outside organizations.
  • Offering necessary support to Open Source projects and groups.
  • Engaging in activities that promote cooperation and informal affiliation between Open Source groups and organizations.
  • Proposing and implementing plans of its own that it views as necessary to the growth of Open Source culture.
Register Date: 2007-04-14 12:53


A Website of Minecraft Server Stats

Register Date: 2020-04-28 09:36
Última actualización: 2010-07-18 06:53


「わびづき」は、日本語フォントを開発するプロジェクトです。さしあたって、GL-AntiquePlus ベースの仮名と、さわらびフォントベースの漢字の合成フォントを公開します。

Estado de desarrollo: 2 - Pre-Alpha
Lenguaje Natural: Japanese
Temas: Fonts
Register Date: 2010-07-17 18:31


GetVoIP Grotesque has all the qualities needed for a solid and strong font: it’s legible at small sizes; but it looks absolutely fantastic in large sizes and heavier weights; and it offers true italics.

Grotesque was designed to exhibit the WOW factor of your copy, and is sure bring out the message within the message while still maintaining a subtle calligraphic touch. Its intended use is more for page headlines than body copy, but we love the way the GetVoIP Grotesque looks at every size. Download font:<a href="">Free Grotesque Web Font GetVoip</a>

Register Date: 2014-07-12 00:39
Última actualización: 2017-05-11 20:41



Register Date: 2017-05-11 20:40
Última actualización: 2017-10-18 17:39

RoboCup tools

This project has been moved to GitHub.

A base library, base team, and related tools for The RoboCup Soccer Simulation.