TreeFrog Framework is a high-speed and full-stack C++ framework for developing Web applications. It provides an O/R mapping system and template system on an MVC architecture, and aims to achieve high productivity through the policy of convention over configuration.
Related ProjectsXOOPS, SmillaEnlarger, Properties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TuxGuitar |
YaHP is a Java library that allows you to convert
an HTML document into a PDF document.
Related ProjectsAmateras, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Properties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
phpHtmlLib is an application development framework for developing OOP style Web applications in PHP. The application framework supports an MVC style architecture and Ajaxable and Cacheable interfaces for developing rich client Web applications. It comtains a set of PHP classes and library functions to help facilitate building, debugging, and rendering of XML, HTML, XHTML, WAP/WML Documents, and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images as well as complex HTML widgets.
Related ProjectsMergeDoc, Properties Editor, XOOPS, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
openDCIM is a Web-based data center inventory application which allows you to manage capacity and track assets throughout multiple data centers. There are some graphical elements to the system, but overall, the system is designed for keyboard-friendly (rather than click-happy) use. It is written in PHP and utilizes a MySQL backend for ease of deployment on nearly any LAMP-based build.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, BlueGriffon Japanese Language Pack, TuxGuitar, YANMAH2 - 携帯端末のための代替 |
BibleTime is a Bible study tool. It is based on the Sword library, which provides the functions to access modules like bibles, lexicons, books, and commentaries. BibleTime provides an easy-to-use but powerful interface.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, X/Qt Server, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager |
Xerces2 is the next generation Apache Xerces-J XML parser. This version of Xerces-J defines the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), and provides a complete, standards compliant reference implementation using XNI. The parser was completely re-designed and re-implemented to be simpler and more modular. To help contribute to this project, visit the Apache Xerces Project Webpage ( and join the mailing list.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, Darik's Boot and Nuke, ChaSen legacy, nkf Network Kanji Filter, TuxGuitar |
LemonLDAP::NG is a modular Web SSO based on Apache::Session modules. It simplifies the building of a protected area with a few changes in the application. It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for accounting, so you can have full AAA protection for your Web space. LemonLDAP::NG is a complete rewrite of LemonLDAP. All components needed to use it and to administer it are included in the tarball. However, all modules developed for LemonLDAP may not work with LemonLDAP::NG.
Related ProjectsDeSmuME, coroid project, Darik's Boot and Nuke, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, TuxGuitar |
Logrep is a secure multi-platform tool for the collection, extraction, and presentation of information from various log files. It features HTML reports, multi-dimensional analysis, overview pages, SSH communication, and graphs, and supports 25 popular systems including Snort, Squid, Postfix, Apache, Sendmail, syslog, iptables/ipchains, xferlog, NT event logs, Firewall-1, wtmp, Oracle listener, and Pix.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, Clonezilla, Dumpper v.60.3, TOMBO, Hinemos |
The klish is a framework for implementing Cisco-like command-line interfaces on Unix systems. It is configurable through XML files. "Klish" stands for "Kommand Line Interface SHell". The klish is a fork of clish-0.7.3. The original clish was developed by Graeme McKerrell. The klish adds some new features, but is compatible (as much as possible) with clish's XML configuration files.
Related ProjectsSmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TuxGuitar, openGion Project, GSFinder+ for W-ZERO3 |
UrBackup is an efficient client/server backup system for Linux and Windows. A client for Windows lets you backup open files and complete partition images. Incremental and full image backups are stored to disk in a efficient way with file level de-duplication on either Windows or Linux servers. An easy-to-use server Web interface lets you analyze storage usage, view logs, modify settings, and browse backups. Backup images can be restored using a prebuilt live Linux CD based on KNOPPIX.
Related ProjectsWin32 Disk Imager, Clonezilla, UltraMonkey-L7, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE |
JabRef is a graphical Java application for managing bibtex (. bib) databases. It can import bibliographies in numerous formats, provides extensive searching, sorting, and grouping features, can automatically create bibtex keys, and can insert citations into LyX.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, blanco Framework, TOMBO, nkf Network Kanji Filter, Anthy |
Stantor-Domodulor is a home automation software system. It lets you manage electric and electronic facilities through Web pages and WAP 2 and 1 for smartphones. Stantor can drive Velleman k8000/k8055/k8061 boards, Ethernet and USB Arduino Mega, Uno and Duemilanove boards, X10 materials, USB webcams, and sound boards. Stantor correspondents can sent alerts via email and instant messaging. The Linux distributions supported are Ubuntu, Fedora, and Mandriva.
Related ProjectsiReport-Designer for JasperReports, PeerCast-Users@jp, VirtualDubMod-jp, PeerCast IM, NNDD - ニコ動専用ブラウザ |
Free-SA is tool for statistical analysis of daemons' log files, similar to SARG. Its main advantages over SARG are much better speed (7x-20x), more support for reports, and W3C compliance of generated HTML/CSS reports. It can be used to help control traffic usage, to control Internet access security policies, to investigate security incidents, to evaluate server efficiency, and to detect troubles with configuration.
Related ProjectsGLOBALBASE PROJECT, Chattr, UstAlert, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager |
DDMSence (pronounced "dee-dee-em-Essence") is the only Java library that fully supports the DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS). It provides a complete implementation of the DDMS specification using any DDMS version between 2.0 and 5.0. Validation is performed according to both the schema and the specification, and custom validation rules can be defined with ISO Schematron.
Related ProjectsTuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SharpDevelop-jp |
OOoPy is a Python library for modifying documents. It provides a set of
transformations on the OOo XML format using the
ElementTree XML Library. Transformations included
are a mail merge application and the concatenation
of documents with formatting
intact. The framework supports easy creation of
new transformations.
Related ProjectsProperties Editor, document project by , Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MeCab, Win32 Disk Imager |