Simple Project List Software Map

636 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2013-03-08 00:26


Styx is a scanner/parser generator designed to address some shortcomings of the traditional lex/yacc combination. It has unique features like automatic derivation of depth grammar, production of the derivation tree, including it's C interface, preservation of full source information, pretty printing to faciliate source-source translation, and persistence to aid rapid interpreter writing. It also supports reentrancy. Styx works well under several different OSes, including serveral Unixes, DOS, and Windows.

Última actualización: 2005-06-16 07:04


JamVM is a new Java Virtual Machine which conforms to the JVM specification, second edition (blue book). In comparison to most other VMs (free and commercial) it is extremely small. However, unlike other small VMs (e.g., KVM) it is designed to support the full specification, and includes support for object finalisation and the Java Native Interface (JNI).

Última actualización: 2012-01-01 00:49


STklos is a free Scheme System conforming to R5RS. The implementation is based on an ad-hoc Virtual Machine. It can also be compiled as a library, so that one can easily embed it in an application. Its features include an efficient and powerful object system based on CLOS, a simple-to-use module system, implementation of the full tower of numbers defined in R5RS, and easy connection to the GTK+ toolkit. STklos is the successor of STk, a Scheme interpreter tightly connected to the Tk toolkit.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2009-04-24 23:55


Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter. The line numbers are mandatory, and it has PEEK & POKE. The main goal is to execute programs written in old interpreters, even those that use peculiar control flow constructs or automodifiable code. However, it can be used as a scripting language, and has some not-so-classic instructions. It has graphics modes that are compatible with some classic systems and user defined.

Última actualización: 2009-11-21 21:58


ivtools is a collection of drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and Web graphics with both direct-manipulation and scriptable user interfaces.

Última actualización: 2010-02-19 01:16


Flusspferd provides JavaScript bindings for C++, a JavaScript interpreter and shell, and a JavaScript/C++ module system. It includes a few JavaScript classes and modules: binary blobs, XML, cURL, and others. It supports Spidermonkey as its backend, and support for other engines may be added later.

Última actualización: 2001-01-30 06:13


JavaScript is the Netscape-developed object scripting language used in millions of Web pages and server applications worldwide. It is a superset of the ECMA-262 Revision 3 (ECMAScript) standard scripting language, with only mild differences from the published standard. This source is capable of creating the core JavaScript engine as both a static and dynamic library, and a cross platform (Unix, Windows, and Mac [MPW Tool & console window]) JavaScript command line shell. JavaScript is covered by a dual MPL/GPL license.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2009-08-29 09:00


Sugar is an advanced template engine for PHP. It allows for very expressive macros and flexibility and makes the writing of safe and secure templates easy.

Última actualización: 2008-04-28 06:45

Roadsend PHP

Roadsend PHP produces optimized stand alone applications, libraries, and Web applications from standard PHP source code. The compiler produces native machine code, not PHP byte code, so no interpreter is required. It is a new implementation of the PHP language and runtime environment compatible with Zend PHP. It does not share any code with the original PHP implementation.

Última actualización: 2007-12-09 11:12


Sarien is a portable Sierra AGI resource interpreter engine that allows you to
play Sierra On-Line AGI version 2 and version 3 games (such as Space Quest 1
and 2, and Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards) natively in
Linux, Solaris, Windows, and other platforms.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2009-05-05 01:17

The Gamebook Engine

The Gamebook Engine is a cross-platform engine for writing gamebooks, such as the "Choose Your Own Adventure" series or the "Lone Wolf" series. TGE can interpret scripts that use the "Hyena" gamebook format.

Última actualización: 2004-09-27 23:34


Cpptools is a set of C/C++ development tools. This package contains a C++ scanning class coded both in C++ and Python. is the Finite State Machine diagrammer which uses @FSM comment tags inside sourcefiles. parses C/C++ sourcefiles and generates a graphical dependency tree using Graphviz, and scans sourcefiles and generates a highlighted HTML version.

Última actualización: 2005-06-13 23:40


ObjectScript is a general purpose object-oriented programming language. It is designed to be simple to learn, easy to use, and powerful, combining the convenience of an interactive interpreter with many of the features of Java: a simple Java-like syntax, javadoc support, a class system (single inheritance), private vs. public fields and methods, exceptions, synchronization and threading, regular expressions, etc. Since it can be interactively interpreted, ObjectScript can be used to debug or learn Java systems. And since it supports extending Java classes and interfaces, it can add sophisticated scripting to an existing Java application.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2002-02-27 16:00


Narval is a framework dedicated to the setting up of intelligent personal assistants (IPAs). It includes a language, an interpreter, and a GUI/IDE. It is based on artificial intelligence and agent technologies. It executes recipes (sequences of actions) to perform tasks. It is easy to specify new actions using XML and to implement them using Python. Recipes can be constructed graphically (without programming) by linking blocks representing the actions.

Última actualización: 2006-04-30 05:55


pyvm is an experimental Python virtual machine
with a compiler written in Python. It is not 100% compatible with C-python, but well written Python programs without gross hacks should work.

(Machine Translation)