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A base library, base team, and related tools for The RoboCup Soccer Simulation.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Publicado: 2009-03-24 15:46
librcsc 3.0.0 (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

* Supported rcssserver version 13.
- supported the new sensor protocol.
- supported the game log version 5.
- supported new dash model, but not completed yet.
- added new methods to ServerParam class. staminaCapacity(),
maxDashAngle(), minDashAngle(), dashAngleStep(),
sideDashRate(), backDashRate(), maxDashPower(), minDashPower()
normalizeDashAngle(double), discretizeDashAngle(double) and

* Added new actions:
- Bhv_Shoot2008
- Body_HoldBall2008
- Body_Intercept2008
- Body_SmartKick
- View_ChangeWidth

* Improved actions:
- Body_TackleToPoint
- Neck_ScanField

* Obsolete actions:
- Body_Dribble2006
- Body_Dribble2007
- Body_HoldBall2007
- Body_Intercept2007
- Body_KickTwoStep
- Body_KickMultiStep
- Intention_Dribble2006
- Intention_Dribble2007
- Intention_Kick

* Supported fullstate world model. Players can now refer both of the
normal world model and the complete world model updated by
fullstate information. If 'use-fullstate' option is false, the
normal world model is not updated by fullstate, but if this option
is true, the normal world model is also update by fullstate. The
complete world model can be referred by
PlayerAgent::fullstateWorld() if rcssserver sends fullstate
information to players.

* Added a new auditory message type:
- SelfMessage: This message contains the stamina information of
message sender.

* Added new player predicates:
- GhostPlayerPredicate
- NoGhostPlayerPredicate

* Improved intercept prediction:
- Implemented self intercept prediction for insufficient stamina.
- Improved other players' prediction.
- Note that a interception based on the new dash model has not
been supported yet.

* Added AbstractPlayerObject::unumCount() that represents the
accuracy count of uniform number since the last observation.

* Renamed PlayerType::predictStamina*() in order to prevent an
illegal usage.

* Added Logger::HOLD and 'debug_hold' option.

* Added ActionEffector::queuedNextCanSeeWithTurnNeck().

* Preliminary supported a state record mechanism. Now, ViewArea and
BallObject::State are recored to a deque container. The maximum
record size is defined by WorldModel::MAX_RECORD and
BallObject::MAX_RECORD respectively.

* Renamed some methods in Vector2D class
- sclae(), reverse(), reversedVector(), normalizedVector().

* Added Region2D class as an abstract geometric region. Triangle2D,
Circle2D, Sector2D, Rect2D and Polygon2D bocame a derived class of
Region2D. UnitedRegion2D and IntersectedRegion2D are also

* Added Rect2D::intersected() and Rect2D::united()

* Added a short name command line option, '-p', as an alias of a
long name option '--port'.

* Added 'team_graphic_file' option for a coach agent.

* Supported CppUnit.

* rcssserverバージョン13をサポート.
- 新しいセンサプロトコルのサポート.
- ゲームログバージョン5のサポート.
- 新ダッシュモデルのサポート.ただし,具体的なアクションは未完成.
- ServerParamクラスに新しいパラメータ用のアクセサ,ユーティリティ
- staminaCapacity()
- maxDashAngle()
- minDashAngle()
- dashAngleStep()
- sideDashRate()
- backDashRate()
- maxDashPower()
- minDashPower()
- normalizeDashAngle(double)
- discretizeDashAngle(double)
- dashDirRate(double)

* 以下のアクションを追加した.
- Bhv_Shoot2008
- Body_HoldBall2008
- Body_Intercept2008
- Body_SmartKick
- View_ChangeWidth

* 以下のアクションを改善した.
- Body_TackleToPoint
- Neck_ScanField

* 以下のアクションはobsoleteとし,今後サポートしない.
- Body_Dribble2006
- Body_Dribble2007
- Body_HoldBall2007
- Body_Intercept2007
- Body_KickTwoStep
- Body_KickMultiStep
- Intention_Dribble2006
- Intention_Dribble2007
- Intention_Kick

* fullstateワールドモデルをサポートした.プレイヤは通常のワールドモ

* 新しい聴覚メッセージタイプを追加.
- SelfMessage

* 新しいPlayerPredicateを追加.
- GhostPlayerPredicate
- NoGhostPlayerPredicate

* インターセプトの予測性能を改善.
- スタミナが不十分な場合の自己インターセプトを改善.
- 他のプレイヤの予測を改善.
- ただし,新ダッシュモデルに基づくインターセプトはまだ完全にはサポー

* AbstractPlayerObject::unumCount() を追加.この関数は,最後に背番号

* 間違った使用法を避けるために,PlayerType::predictStamina*() 関連の

* Logger::HOLD と 'debug_hold' オプションを追加.

* ActionEffector::queuedNextCanSeeWithTurnNeck() を追加.

* 状態の履歴管理メカニズムを予備的にサポートした.現在,ViewAreaと

* Vector2Dクラスのいくつかの関数の名前を変更した.
- sclae(), reverse(), reversedVector(), normalizedVector()

* 抽象幾何形状クラスとしてRegion2Dを追加した. Triangle2D, Circle2D,
Sector2D, Rect2D, Polygon2DはRegion2Dの派生クラスとなる.コンポジッ
トクラスとしてUnitedRegion2DとIntersectedRegion2D も追加された.

* Rect2D::intersected() と Rect2D::united() を追加した.

* コマンドラインオプションに '-p' を追加.これは '--port' オプション

* コーチエージェントに 'team_graphic_file' オプションを追加した.

* CppUnitをサポートした.


2009-03-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. Official release 3.0.0.

* rcsc/
* rcsc/common/soccer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/util/
* rcsc/util/version.cpp:
* rcsc/util/version.h:
- added a copyright message.

* rcsc/
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/gz/
* rcsc/monitor/
* rcsc/param/
* rcsc/rcg/
- updated a version number of shared libraries.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_go_to_point_look_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_go_to_point.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_hold_ball2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
- repladed PlayerType::inertiaPoint() with
- repladed PlayerType::inertiaFinalPoint() with

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- fixed back dash rules for new dash model in rcssserver-13.

2009-03-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/gz/
* rcsc/monitor/
* rcsc/param/
* rcsc/rcg/
- updated a version number of shared libraries.

* NEWS.en:
- added an English version NEWS file.
- updated information for obsolete files.

* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble.h:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_hold_ball2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_hold_ball2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_intercept2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_multi_step.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_two_step.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_kick2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_kick2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_kick.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_kick.h:
* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_advance_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_clear_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_smart_kick.cpp:
- moved obsolete sources to the 'obsolte' directory.

* rcsc/action/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.h:
- changed return value of createTable().

- Now, NEWS file is written in Japanese.
- added a description about fullstate world model.

* rcsc/player/soccer_action.h:
- fixed coding style.

2009-03-23 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- added PlayerAgent::fullstateWorld() to get fullstate information.

* rcsc/player/soccer_action.h:
* rcsc/player/soccer_action.cpp:
* rcsc/player/
- added a method to get action object ID to identify action instance.

* rcsc/action/bhv_go_to_point_look_ball.cpp:
- fixed typo.

2009-03-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated for the next release.

* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2008.h:
- added 2008 version actions from helios.

* rcsc/action/body_shoot.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_shoot.h:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble.h:
- removed obsolete actions.

* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.h:
* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_advance_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_clear_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.h:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.h:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_tackle_to_point.h:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.h:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_and_player.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_goalie_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_player_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/ann/rbf.h:
* rcsc/coach/coach_command.h:
* rcsc/coach/coach_config.h:
* rcsc/coach/cycle_data.h:
* rcsc/coach/global_object.h:
* rcsc/coach/player_change_state.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/player_change_state.h:
* rcsc/coach/player_type_analyzer.h:
* rcsc/common/audio_codec.h:
* rcsc/common/audio_memory.h:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/common/player_param.h:
* rcsc/common/player_type.h:
* rcsc/common/team_graphic.h:
* rcsc/factory.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_bpn.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_knn.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_knn.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_ngnet.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_rbf.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_sbsp.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_static.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_uva.h:
* rcsc/game_mode.h:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.h:
* rcsc/geom/line_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.h:
* rcsc/gz/gzcompressor.h:
* rcsc/gz/gzfilterstream.h:
* rcsc/net/basic_socket.cpp:
* rcsc/net/basic_socket.h:
* rcsc/net/udp_socket.h:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.h:
* rcsc/player/free_message.h:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/interception.h:
* rcsc/player/localization.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
* rcsc/player/player_command.h:
* rcsc/player/player_config.h:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h:
* rcsc/player/say_message_builder.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.h:
* rcsc/player/view_area.h:
* rcsc/player/view_mode.h:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
* rcsc/rcg/factory.h:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v3.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.h:
* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
* rcsc/soccer_math.h:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_config.h:
- fixed doxygen comments.

* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.h:
- renamed UnionRegion2D with UnitedRegion2D.
- renamed IntersectionRegion2D with IntersectedRegion2D.

2009-03-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* m4/ax_boost_base.m4:
* m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4:
* m4/cppunit.m4:
* config/ax_boost_base.m4:
* config/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4:
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/geom/matrix_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_test.cpp:
- added cppunit.m4.
- moved M4 macro files from config to m4.
- reimplemented test codes using CppUnit.

2009-02-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/global_visual_sensor.cpp:
- fixed a gcc-4.3 compilation problem.

* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.h:
- added static utility method, Circle2D::contains(), to check if
an input point is contained in the circle through three points.

2009-02-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/tableprinter.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 compilation problem.

2009-01-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_text.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.h:
- fixed doxygen comments.
- added isValid() for convenience.
- added Vector2D::add(Vector2D) for convenience
- reimplemented Triangle2D::centroid()
- added new test cases for Triangle2D.

* rcsc/geom/segment_2d.h:
- added new constructor variation for convenience.

* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
- fixed a bug of an unused variable.

* rcsc/geom/matrix_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.h:
- added scale(), reverse(), reversedVector(), normalizedVector(),
equals() to Vector2D.
- changed Vector2D::norm()
- added Vector2D::EPSILON.
- removed const modifier from returned value of some methods.

2008-12-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/
- added UnionRegion2D and IntersectionRegion2D.

* src/tableprinter.cpp:
- added command line options.

2008-12-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
- fixed dash model for rcssserver-13.1.

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- fiexd goalie's back dash condition.

* src/tableprinter.cpp:
- implemented a html print method.

2008-12-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/resultprinter.cpp:
* src/tableprinter.cpp:
* src/
- added rclmtableprinter.
- renamed rclmresultprinter to rcgresultprinter.
- changed the output format of rcgresultprinter.

2008-12-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_smart_kick.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_smart_kick.h:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.h:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table2008.h:
* rcsc/action/
- added the 2008 version actions.

2008-12-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/factory.h:
* rcsc/
* rcsc/rcg.h:
* rcsc/rcg/
* rcsc/rcg/factory.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/factory.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v5.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.cpp:
* src/rcg2txt.cpp:
* src/rcgrenameteam.cpp:
* src/rcgreverse.cpp:
* src/rcgverconv.cpp:
* src/rcgversion.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- added a generic factory class.
- reimplemented factory methods for rcg library.

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_collide_with_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- replaced maxPower() with maxDashPower() or minDashPower().

* rcsc/coach/player_type_analyzer.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/player_type_analyzer.h:
- reimplementing player type analyser. not completed yet.

2008-12-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
- renamed Logger::print() with Logger::printDebugClientMessage().

2008-11-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.h:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
* rcsc/player/player_command.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_command.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
* rcsc/soccer_math.h:
- fixed a defect of decision timing when playmode is changed.
- supported the new dash command format which contains dash
direction. but, still need more tests.

2008-11-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
- reimplemented the help message output using

* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/common/soccer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/param/cmd_line_parser.cpp:
* rcsc/param/cmd_line_parser.h:
* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
- added NegateSwitch as a switch parameter wrapper.
- renamed ParamMap::optionName() with groupName().
- removed namespace support from CmdLineParser.
- added CmdLineParser::count() to check the number of parsed
- changed the policy of SoccerAgent::init(). Now, if
SoccerAgent::initImpl() returns false,
BasicClient::setServerAlive(false) is called from

2008-11-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/player_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
- removed ParamEntity::isString()
- added double quatations to ParamEntity::printValue() for
- reimplemented ParamGeneric::printValue()

* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
- added NegateBool as a bool parameter wrapper.

2008-11-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>


2008-10-31 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/coach_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_config.cpp:
- changed default client version to 13.

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v5.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v5.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.h:
* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/global_object.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/global_object.h:
* rcsc/coach/global_visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/localization.cpp:
* rcsc/player/localization.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/see_state.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.h:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.h:
* rcsc/rcg/
* rcsc/rcg/factory.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.h:
* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
- supported v13 protocol.
- supported game log version 5.

2008-10-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. official release 2.0.1.

* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/common/free_message_parser.h:
* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_bpn.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.h:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.h:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.h:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/util/game_mode.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
* src/scheduler.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 build problems.

2008-09-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* config/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4:
- fixed a library check routine for MacOSX.

2008-08-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/coach_config.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/coach_config.h:
- added 'team_graphic_file' option.

* rcsc/common/team_graphic.cpp:
* rcsc/common/team_graphic.h:
- implemented a simple xpm file reader.

2008-08-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- added unumCount() that represents the accuracy count of uniform
number since last observation.

2008-08-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/region_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/geom/angle_deg.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/angle_deg.h:
* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/sector_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d.h:
- added Region2D class and added pure virtual methods, area() and
- set Region2D class as the base class of 2d region classes,
Triangle2D, Circle2D, Sector2D, Rect2D and Polygon2D..
- added Circle2D::intersection(Segment2D) and Circle2D::area()
- added Rect2D::area()
- added Triangle2D::intersection()
- renamed some methodn in Triangle2D.
- added AngleDeg::PI and AngleDeg::TWO_PI

* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_test.cpp:
- fixed compile errors.

* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/
- added intersected() and united() that can create the combined
rectangle region.
- added test cases for Rect2D.

2008-08-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a long intercept buffer.

2008-07-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
- restricted the condition for player count altorithm in

2008-07-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned the y buffer for 1 step dash intercept.

2008-07-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_go_to_point.cpp:
- added dash power checking. if dash power is almost 0, dash
action is nerver performed.

2008-07-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- decreased long dash buffer. (0.3 -> 0.1)

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- more restricted the number of recognized players to use the
player count method.

2008-07-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- added the check of current playmode to the player count

* rcsc/action/bhv_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_scan_field.h:
- added an action to scan the whole field.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
- added queuedNextCanSeeWithTurnNeck()

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
- added a virtual method, ghostCount()

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
- added a condition to use the player count algorithm.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
- fixed a search range for Neck_TurnToBall.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
- added debug messages.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
- added player count method to Neck_TurnToBall
- disabled detailed debug messages.

2008-07-11 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
- changed to calculate intercept table on penalty taken mode.

2008-07-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/global_world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_sbsp.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
- In Rect2D, two constructors and one assinment method are changed
to private in order to prevent an illegal usage.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
- change the policy when ball is near.

* rcsc/action/body_kick_one_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_one_step.h:
- added force mode.

* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
- fixed an initial value of the target number variable.

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a long dash buffer.

2008-07-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
- added ActionEffector::queuedNextSeeCycles(), but not tested.

* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.cpp:
- fixed a view width value.

* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
- implemented an algorithm to find the best angle that contains
the largest number of players.

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.h:
- implemented an another algorithm to find the angle that contains
the largest number of players.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
- added alias interface methods for the convenience and the naming

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a one step interception buffer.

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a self interception buffer.

2008-07-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.h:
- implemented a special scan algorithm for the wide mode.

2008-07-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_neck_body_to_point.h:
- added an angle buffer varialbe to Bhv_NeckBodyToPoint

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a defect of SelfIntercept::predictFinal()

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- more detailed debug messages.

2008-07-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- changed a deletion policy of change_view actions.

* rcsc/player/view_mode.h:
- fixed a defect of change_view command regstration.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
- disabled a non-save-recovery self interception.
- added the second fastest teammate/opponent information.

* rcsc/player/view_mode.cpp:
- fixed a defect of increment/decrement operators.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a self interception buffer.
- applied std::unique to the self cache.

2008-07-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
- fixed a self interception predictor. Now, agents can chanse the
ball even if they don't have enough stamina.

2008-07-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- added a missing log level initialization procedure.

* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.h:
- added Logger::BLOGK and Logger::MARK flags.
- added debug_block and debug_mark options.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp
- fixed warning messages for lost commands.

* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.h:
- added Logger::HOLD flag.
- added debug_hold option

2008-07-03 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- added an additional player matching code.

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- added a profiling code.

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- renamed PlayerType::predictStamina*() in order to prevent an
illegal usage.

2008-07-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- added a tackle state checking.
- tuned a distance buffer for reachable area.
- tuned a position count check.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a minimum estimation cycle.

2008-07-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h :
- added GhostPlayerPredicate and NoGhostPlayerPredicate.

2008-06-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* example/
* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_shoot.h:
* rcsc/ann/
* rcsc/coach/
* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/common/
* rcsc/formation/
* rcsc/formation/formation_ngnet.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_rbf.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_sbsp.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_static.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_uva.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/gz/
* rcsc/monitor/
* rcsc/net/
* rcsc/param/
* rcsc/player/
* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/interception.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/util/
* src/
* src/rcg2txt.cpp:
* src/rcgrenameteam.cpp:
* src/rcgreverse.cpp:
* src/rcgverconv.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- fixed compliler warnings.

2008-06-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- fixed the turn prediction.

2008-06-07 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/gz/gzfstream.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
- fixed compilation problem with gcc 4.2.

2008-06-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
- removed a buffer distance for turn action
- added the max cycle checking for the final intercept prediction.

2008-05-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
- changed the speed thresold to determine whether ball stops
or not.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a bug of the intercept prediction for the final ball

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- changed the algoritm to calculate the dash power for one step

* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- tuned kickable area buffer.

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- tuned kickable player checking.

2008-05-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed a kickable player checking.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a defect of other player's intercept prediction.

2008-05-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- removed unused code.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- implemented new intercept simulator algorithm for other players.

2008-05-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- disabled a pitch area checking while indirect free kick mode.

2008-05-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_and_player.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.h:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_goalie_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_player_or_scan.cpp:
- improved turn neck action to check goalie ang other area.

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- tuned kickable buffer.
- tuned ghost check distance for ball.

2008-05-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned one step backward interception point.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- added player's tackling status checking.
- changed turn cycle prediction policy. Now, more strict
prediction is performed.
- added distance error buffer for player's interception dash

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- added seenVel() and seenVelCount()
- added with_goalie argument for player getter interfaces.
- added distance error buffer for the kickable player checking.

2008-05-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/audio_memory.cpp:
* rcsc/common/audio_memory.h:
* rcsc/common/say_message_parser.cpp:
* rcsc/common/say_message_parser.h:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/say_message_builder.cpp:
* rcsc/player/say_message_builder.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- added SelfMessageParser & SelfMessageBuilder
- added heard stamina info to the PlayerObject class.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- fixed a defect in the ball velocity update using heard info.

2008-05-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- changed the rule to avoid opponent body line.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
- changed the precision of command argument value.

2008-05-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
- fixed a defect of position update using rpos.
- fixed a bug of state record update.

2008-05-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.h:
- modified error message.
- added the strict checking for illegal input data.

2008-05-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/kick_table.h:
- remove old code.

* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
- tuned kick target range.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- reimplemented the ball state record.

2008-05-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
- fixed a bug of shoot target range.

2008-05-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
- fixed a defect of shoot angle.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- tuned an opponent accuracy count threshold.

2008-05-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- fixed a bug of keep angle.

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
- added new vertual methods, handleServerParam(),
handlePlayerParam() and handlePlayerType()

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
- increased self cache size.

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- removed automatic debug message for offside/defense line.

2008-04-30 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h:
- fixed a bug of ExistNearPlayerPlayerPredicate.

2008-04-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
- fixed a negative value problem of std::distance.

2008-04-29 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/action/body_intercept.h:
- fixed double include problem.

2008-04-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- improved offside update rule.

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- tuned keep distance buffer.

2008-04-28 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h:
- added ExistNearPlayerPlayerPredicate class to check if player
which specified by condition exists near the player.

2008-04-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed defects of neck scan field action when player exists at
the outside of pitch.

2008-04-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
- improved a body direction update.

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed a defect of ball velocity update whell collision occurs.

2008-04-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
- fixed a hold ball rule for no play_on mode..

* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
- fixed a bug of the player side update using fullstate info.

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- tuned kickable buffer.

* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
- fixed a bug of the player side update using heard info.

2008-04-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_one_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_kick.cpp:
- modified a hold ball action for tha failed multi-step kick.

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- fixed a rule of opponent avoidance.

* rcsc/action/body_intercept.cpp:
- tuned an opponent buffer.

2008-04-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
- changed the indent length of help messages.

2008-04-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/coach_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_config.cpp:
- addded a short option '-p' as an alias of a long option '--port'.

2008-04-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- added BallRecord container.

* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/view_change_width.h:
* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/basic_actions.h:
- added new action View_ChangeWidth.

* rcsc/player/view_mode.cpp:
* rcsc/player/view_mode.h:
- implemented '++' and '--' operator for ViewWidth class.
- added static method ViewWidth::width(ViewWidth) for the

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_tackle_to_point.h:
- reimplemented Body_TackleToPoint.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/view_area.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- implemented ViewArea record.
- implemented ball position record.
- implemented the ball velocity update using the effect of
opponent kickable state

2008-04-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/view_area.h:
* rcsc/player/
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- added ViewArea class.

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
- added simple character checking to optimize the parser.

2008-04-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/math_util.h:
* rcsc/geom/matrix_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_test.cpp:
- added rcsc::EPS as a generic epsilon value.

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/self_object.h:
- inertiaPoint() and inertiaFinalPoint() are moved from SelfObject
to AbstractPlayerObject.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
- added calc_travel_step()

2008-04-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
- fixed player state enumeration.

2008-04-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
- improved parser performance.

* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.h:
- fixed compiler warinig.

2008-04-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
- added some methods for the convenience.
- fixed defects of SerializerV4.

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- fixed bug in the game log parsing.

* rcsc/rcg/handler.h:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/reader.h:
* src/rcg2txt.cpp:
* src/rcgrenameteam.cpp:
* src/rcgreverse.cpp:
* src/rcgverconv.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- fixed a defect of msg info parsing.

2008-04-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
- fixed a value threshold for binary format.

* src/rcgversion.cpp:
- fixed a print format.

2008-04-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed a defect of ball velocity update using heard info.

2008-04-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
- enabled change_view.

2008-04-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- fixed a defect of zero divide.

* rcsc/action/body_kick_to_relative.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_stop_ball.cpp:
- tuned threshold value.

* rcsc/param/rcss_param_parser.cpp:
- fixed coding style.

2009-03-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. Official release 3.0.0.

* rcsc/
* rcsc/common/soccer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/util/
* rcsc/util/version.cpp:
* rcsc/util/version.h:
- added a copyright message.

* rcsc/
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/gz/
* rcsc/monitor/
* rcsc/param/
* rcsc/rcg/
- updated a version number of shared libraries.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_go_to_point_look_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_go_to_point.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_hold_ball2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
- repladed PlayerType::inertiaPoint() with
- repladed PlayerType::inertiaFinalPoint() with

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- fixed back dash rules for new dash model in rcssserver-13.

2009-03-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/gz/
* rcsc/monitor/
* rcsc/param/
* rcsc/rcg/
- updated a version number of shared libraries.

* NEWS.en:
- added an English version NEWS file.
- updated information for obsolete files.

* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble.h:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_hold_ball2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_hold_ball2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_intercept2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_multi_step.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/body_kick_two_step.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_kick2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/obsolete/intention_kick2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2006.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2007.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_kick.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_kick.h:
* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_advance_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_clear_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_smart_kick.cpp:
- moved obsolete sources to the 'obsolte' directory.

* rcsc/action/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.h:
- changed return value of createTable().

- Now, NEWS file is written in Japanese.
- added a description about fullstate world model.

* rcsc/player/soccer_action.h:
- fixed coding style.

2009-03-23 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- added PlayerAgent::fullstateWorld() to get fullstate information.

* rcsc/player/soccer_action.h:
* rcsc/player/soccer_action.cpp:
* rcsc/player/
- added a method to get action object ID to identify action instance.

* rcsc/action/bhv_go_to_point_look_ball.cpp:
- fixed typo.

2009-03-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated for the next release.

* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2008.h:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2008.h:
- added 2008 version actions from helios.

* rcsc/action/body_shoot.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_shoot.h:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.h:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble.h:
- removed obsolete actions.

* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept2007.h:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.h:
* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_advance_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_clear_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.h:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.h:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_tackle_to_point.h:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.h:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_and_player.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_goalie_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_player_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/ann/rbf.h:
* rcsc/coach/coach_command.h:
* rcsc/coach/coach_config.h:
* rcsc/coach/cycle_data.h:
* rcsc/coach/global_object.h:
* rcsc/coach/player_change_state.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/player_change_state.h:
* rcsc/coach/player_type_analyzer.h:
* rcsc/common/audio_codec.h:
* rcsc/common/audio_memory.h:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/common/player_param.h:
* rcsc/common/player_type.h:
* rcsc/common/team_graphic.h:
* rcsc/factory.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_bpn.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_knn.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_knn.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_ngnet.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_rbf.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_sbsp.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_static.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_uva.h:
* rcsc/game_mode.h:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.h:
* rcsc/geom/line_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.h:
* rcsc/gz/gzcompressor.h:
* rcsc/gz/gzfilterstream.h:
* rcsc/net/basic_socket.cpp:
* rcsc/net/basic_socket.h:
* rcsc/net/udp_socket.h:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.h:
* rcsc/player/free_message.h:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/interception.h:
* rcsc/player/localization.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
* rcsc/player/player_command.h:
* rcsc/player/player_config.h:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h:
* rcsc/player/say_message_builder.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.h:
* rcsc/player/view_area.h:
* rcsc/player/view_mode.h:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
* rcsc/rcg/factory.h:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v3.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.h:
* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
* rcsc/soccer_math.h:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_config.h:
- fixed doxygen comments.

* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.h:
- renamed UnionRegion2D with UnitedRegion2D.
- renamed IntersectionRegion2D with IntersectedRegion2D.

2009-03-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* m4/ax_boost_base.m4:
* m4/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4:
* m4/cppunit.m4:
* config/ax_boost_base.m4:
* config/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4:
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/geom/matrix_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_test.cpp:
- added cppunit.m4.
- moved M4 macro files from config to m4.
- reimplemented test codes using CppUnit.

2009-02-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/global_visual_sensor.cpp:
- fixed a gcc-4.3 compilation problem.

* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.h:
- added static utility method, Circle2D::contains(), to check if
an input point is contained in the circle through three points.

2009-02-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/tableprinter.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 compilation problem.

2009-01-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_text.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.h:
- fixed doxygen comments.
- added isValid() for convenience.
- added Vector2D::add(Vector2D) for convenience
- reimplemented Triangle2D::centroid()
- added new test cases for Triangle2D.

* rcsc/geom/segment_2d.h:
- added new constructor variation for convenience.

* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
- fixed a bug of an unused variable.

* rcsc/geom/matrix_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/vector_2d.h:
- added scale(), reverse(), reversedVector(), normalizedVector(),
equals() to Vector2D.
- changed Vector2D::norm()
- added Vector2D::EPSILON.
- removed const modifier from returned value of some methods.

2008-12-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/composite_region_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/
- added UnionRegion2D and IntersectionRegion2D.

* src/tableprinter.cpp:
- added command line options.

2008-12-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
- fixed dash model for rcssserver-13.1.

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- fiexd goalie's back dash condition.

* src/tableprinter.cpp:
- implemented a html print method.

2008-12-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/resultprinter.cpp:
* src/tableprinter.cpp:
* src/
- added rclmtableprinter.
- renamed rclmresultprinter to rcgresultprinter.
- changed the output format of rcgresultprinter.

2008-12-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_shoot2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball2008.h:
* rcsc/action/body_smart_kick.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_smart_kick.h:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/action/kick_table.h:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table2008.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table2008.h:
* rcsc/action/
- added the 2008 version actions.

2008-12-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/factory.h:
* rcsc/
* rcsc/rcg.h:
* rcsc/rcg/
* rcsc/rcg/factory.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/factory.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v5.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.cpp:
* src/rcg2txt.cpp:
* src/rcgrenameteam.cpp:
* src/rcgreverse.cpp:
* src/rcgverconv.cpp:
* src/rcgversion.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- added a generic factory class.
- reimplemented factory methods for rcg library.

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_collide_with_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- replaced maxPower() with maxDashPower() or minDashPower().

* rcsc/coach/player_type_analyzer.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/player_type_analyzer.h:
- reimplementing player type analyser. not completed yet.

2008-12-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
- renamed Logger::print() with Logger::printDebugClientMessage().

2008-11-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.h:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
* rcsc/player/player_command.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_command.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
* rcsc/soccer_math.h:
- fixed a defect of decision timing when playmode is changed.
- supported the new dash command format which contains dash
direction. but, still need more tests.

2008-11-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
- reimplemented the help message output using

* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/common/soccer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/param/cmd_line_parser.cpp:
* rcsc/param/cmd_line_parser.h:
* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
- added NegateSwitch as a switch parameter wrapper.
- renamed ParamMap::optionName() with groupName().
- removed namespace support from CmdLineParser.
- added CmdLineParser::count() to check the number of parsed
- changed the policy of SoccerAgent::init(). Now, if
SoccerAgent::initImpl() returns false,
BasicClient::setServerAlive(false) is called from

2008-11-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/player_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
- removed ParamEntity::isString()
- added double quatations to ParamEntity::printValue() for
- reimplemented ParamGeneric::printValue()

* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
* rcsc/param/param_map.h:
- added NegateBool as a bool parameter wrapper.

2008-11-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>


2008-10-31 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/coach_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_config.cpp:
- changed default client version to 13.

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v5.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v5.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v5.h:
* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/global_object.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/global_object.h:
* rcsc/coach/global_visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.h:
* rcsc/player/localization.cpp:
* rcsc/player/localization.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/see_state.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.h:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.h:
* rcsc/rcg/
* rcsc/rcg/factory.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.h:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.h:
* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
- supported v13 protocol.
- supported game log version 5.

2008-10-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- updated a version number string. official release 2.0.1.

* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/common/free_message_parser.h:
* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/server_param.h:
* rcsc/formation/formation_bpn.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.h:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.h:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/body_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.h:
* rcsc/player/fullstate_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/player/visual_sensor.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v3.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/util/game_mode.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
* src/scheduler.cpp:
- fixed gcc-4.3 build problems.

2008-09-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* config/ax_boost_unit_test_framework.m4:
- fixed a library check routine for MacOSX.

2008-08-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/coach_config.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/coach_config.h:
- added 'team_graphic_file' option.

* rcsc/common/team_graphic.cpp:
* rcsc/common/team_graphic.h:
- implemented a simple xpm file reader.

2008-08-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- added unumCount() that represents the accuracy count of uniform
number since last observation.

2008-08-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/region_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/geom/angle_deg.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/angle_deg.h:
* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/circle_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/sector_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d.h:
- added Region2D class and added pure virtual methods, area() and
- set Region2D class as the base class of 2d region classes,
Triangle2D, Circle2D, Sector2D, Rect2D and Polygon2D..
- added Circle2D::intersection(Segment2D) and Circle2D::area()
- added Rect2D::area()
- added Triangle2D::intersection()
- renamed some methodn in Triangle2D.
- added AngleDeg::PI and AngleDeg::TWO_PI

* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_test.cpp:
- fixed compile errors.

* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/
- added intersected() and united() that can create the combined
rectangle region.
- added test cases for Rect2D.

2008-08-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a long intercept buffer.

2008-07-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
- restricted the condition for player count altorithm in

2008-07-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned the y buffer for 1 step dash intercept.

2008-07-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_go_to_point.cpp:
- added dash power checking. if dash power is almost 0, dash
action is nerver performed.

2008-07-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- decreased long dash buffer. (0.3 -> 0.1)

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- more restricted the number of recognized players to use the
player count method.

2008-07-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- added the check of current playmode to the player count

* rcsc/action/bhv_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_scan_field.h:
- added an action to scan the whole field.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
- added queuedNextCanSeeWithTurnNeck()

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
- added a virtual method, ghostCount()

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
- added a condition to use the player count algorithm.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
- fixed a search range for Neck_TurnToBall.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
- added debug messages.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
- added player count method to Neck_TurnToBall
- disabled detailed debug messages.

2008-07-11 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
- changed to calculate intercept table on penalty taken mode.

2008-07-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
* rcsc/coach/global_world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_dt.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_sbsp.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/rect_2d.h:
- In Rect2D, two constructors and one assinment method are changed
to private in order to prevent an illegal usage.

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
- change the policy when ball is near.

* rcsc/action/body_kick_one_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_one_step.h:
- added force mode.

* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
- fixed an initial value of the target number variable.

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a long dash buffer.

2008-07-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
- added ActionEffector::queuedNextSeeCycles(), but not tested.

* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.cpp:
- fixed a view width value.

* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_low_conf_teammate.cpp:
- implemented an algorithm to find the best angle that contains
the largest number of players.

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.h:
- implemented an another algorithm to find the angle that contains
the largest number of players.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.h:
- added alias interface methods for the convenience and the naming

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a one step interception buffer.

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a self interception buffer.

2008-07-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.h:
- implemented a special scan algorithm for the wide mode.

2008-07-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/bhv_neck_body_to_point.h:
- added an angle buffer varialbe to Bhv_NeckBodyToPoint

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a defect of SelfIntercept::predictFinal()

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- more detailed debug messages.

2008-07-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- changed a deletion policy of change_view actions.

* rcsc/player/view_mode.h:
- fixed a defect of change_view command regstration.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
- disabled a non-save-recovery self interception.
- added the second fastest teammate/opponent information.

* rcsc/player/view_mode.cpp:
- fixed a defect of increment/decrement operators.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned a self interception buffer.
- applied std::unique to the self cache.

2008-07-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
- fixed a self interception predictor. Now, agents can chanse the
ball even if they don't have enough stamina.

2008-07-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- added a missing log level initialization procedure.

* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.h:
- added Logger::BLOGK and Logger::MARK flags.
- added debug_block and debug_mark options.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp
- fixed warning messages for lost commands.

* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.h:
- added Logger::HOLD flag.
- added debug_hold option

2008-07-03 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- added an additional player matching code.

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- added a profiling code.

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
* rcsc/common/player_type.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- renamed PlayerType::predictStamina*() in order to prevent an
illegal usage.

2008-07-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- added a tackle state checking.
- tuned a distance buffer for reachable area.
- tuned a position count check.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a minimum estimation cycle.

2008-07-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h :
- added GhostPlayerPredicate and NoGhostPlayerPredicate.

2008-06-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* example/
* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2006.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_pass.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_shoot.h:
* rcsc/ann/
* rcsc/coach/
* rcsc/coach/coach_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/common/
* rcsc/formation/
* rcsc/formation/formation_ngnet.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_rbf.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_sbsp.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_static.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_uva.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/
* rcsc/gz/
* rcsc/monitor/
* rcsc/net/
* rcsc/param/
* rcsc/player/
* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/interception.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/stamina_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v1.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/util/
* src/
* src/rcg2txt.cpp:
* src/rcgrenameteam.cpp:
* src/rcgreverse.cpp:
* src/rcgverconv.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- fixed compliler warnings.

2008-06-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- fixed the turn prediction.

2008-06-07 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/gz/gzfstream.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
- fixed compilation problem with gcc 4.2.

2008-06-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.h:
- removed a buffer distance for turn action
- added the max cycle checking for the final intercept prediction.

2008-05-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
- changed the speed thresold to determine whether ball stops
or not.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a bug of the intercept prediction for the final ball

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- changed the algoritm to calculate the dash power for one step

* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- tuned kickable area buffer.

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- tuned kickable player checking.

2008-05-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed a kickable player checking.

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- fixed a defect of other player's intercept prediction.

2008-05-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.h:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- removed unused code.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- implemented new intercept simulator algorithm for other players.

2008-05-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
- disabled a pitch area checking while indirect free kick mode.

2008-05-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_and_player.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_ball_or_scan.h:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_goalie_or_scan.cpp:
* rcsc/action/neck_turn_to_player_or_scan.cpp:
- improved turn neck action to check goalie ang other area.

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- tuned kickable buffer.
- tuned ghost check distance for ball.

2008-05-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
- tuned one step backward interception point.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- added player's tackling status checking.
- changed turn cycle prediction policy. Now, more strict
prediction is performed.
- added distance error buffer for player's interception dash

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- added seenVel() and seenVelCount()
- added with_goalie argument for player getter interfaces.
- added distance error buffer for the kickable player checking.

2008-05-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/audio_memory.cpp:
* rcsc/common/audio_memory.h:
* rcsc/common/say_message_parser.cpp:
* rcsc/common/say_message_parser.h:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/say_message_builder.cpp:
* rcsc/player/say_message_builder.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- added SelfMessageParser & SelfMessageBuilder
- added heard stamina info to the PlayerObject class.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- fixed a defect in the ball velocity update using heard info.

2008-05-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- changed the rule to avoid opponent body line.

* rcsc/player/action_effector.cpp:
- changed the precision of command argument value.

2008-05-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
- fixed a defect of position update using rpos.
- fixed a bug of state record update.

2008-05-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/delaunay_triangulation.h:
- modified error message.
- added the strict checking for illegal input data.

2008-05-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/kick_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/kick_table.h:
- remove old code.

* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
- tuned kick target range.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- reimplemented the ball state record.

2008-05-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
- fixed a bug of shoot target range.

2008-05-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/shoot_table.cpp:
- fixed a defect of shoot angle.

* rcsc/player/player_intercept.cpp:
- tuned an opponent accuracy count threshold.

2008-05-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- fixed a bug of keep angle.

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.h:
- added new vertual methods, handleServerParam(),
handlePlayerParam() and handlePlayerType()

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
- increased self cache size.

* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
- removed automatic debug message for offside/defense line.

2008-04-30 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h:
- fixed a bug of ExistNearPlayerPlayerPredicate.

2008-04-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/player_type.cpp:
- fixed a negative value problem of std::distance.

2008-04-29 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/action/body_intercept.h:
- fixed double include problem.

2008-04-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- improved offside update rule.

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- tuned keep distance buffer.

2008-04-28 Hiroki Shimora <>

* rcsc/player/player_predicate.h:
- added ExistNearPlayerPlayerPredicate class to check if player
which specified by condition exists near the player.

2008-04-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/neck_scan_field.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed defects of neck scan field action when player exists at
the outside of pitch.

2008-04-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
- improved a body direction update.

* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed a defect of ball velocity update whell collision occurs.

2008-04-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
- fixed a hold ball rule for no play_on mode..

* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
- fixed a bug of the player side update using fullstate info.

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- tuned kickable buffer.

* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
- fixed a bug of the player side update using heard info.

2008-04-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.h:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_multi_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_one_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_kick_two_step.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_kick.cpp:
- modified a hold ball action for tha failed multi-step kick.

* rcsc/action/body_hold_ball.cpp:
- fixed a rule of opponent avoidance.

* rcsc/action/body_intercept.cpp:
- tuned an opponent buffer.

2008-04-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/param/param_map.cpp:
- changed the indent length of help messages.

2008-04-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/coach/coach_config.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_config.cpp:
* rcsc/trainer/trainer_config.cpp:
- addded a short option '-p' as an alias of a long option '--port'.

2008-04-18 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- added BallRecord container.

* rcsc/action/
* rcsc/action/view_change_width.h:
* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/basic_actions.h:
- added new action View_ChangeWidth.

* rcsc/player/view_mode.cpp:
* rcsc/player/view_mode.h:
- implemented '++' and '--' operator for ViewWidth class.
- added static method ViewWidth::width(ViewWidth) for the

* rcsc/action/basic_actions.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_tackle_to_point.h:
- reimplemented Body_TackleToPoint.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
* rcsc/player/intercept_table.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_agent.cpp:
* rcsc/player/player_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/self_intercept.cpp:
* rcsc/player/view_area.h:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.h:
- implemented ViewArea record.
- implemented ball position record.
- implemented the ball velocity update using the effect of
opponent kickable state

2008-04-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/view_area.h:
* rcsc/player/
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- added ViewArea class.

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
- added simple character checking to optimize the parser.

2008-04-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/math_util.h:
* rcsc/geom/matrix_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/polygon_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/segment_2d_test.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/triangle_2d_test.cpp:
- added rcsc::EPS as a generic epsilon value.

* rcsc/player/abstract_player_object.h:
* rcsc/player/self_object.h:
- inertiaPoint() and inertiaFinalPoint() are moved from SelfObject
to AbstractPlayerObject.

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/ball_object.h:
- added calc_travel_step()

2008-04-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
- fixed player state enumeration.

2008-04-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
- improved parser performance.

* rcsc/common/logger.cpp:
* rcsc/common/logger.h:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.cpp:
* rcsc/player/debug_client.h:
- fixed compiler warinig.

2008-04-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/rcg/serializer_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/types.h:
- added some methods for the convenience.
- fixed defects of SerializerV4.

* rcsc/rcg/parser_v2.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- fixed bug in the game log parsing.

* rcsc/rcg/handler.h:
* rcsc/rcg/holder.h:
* rcsc/rcg/parser_v4.cpp:
* rcsc/rcg/reader.h:
* src/rcg2txt.cpp:
* src/rcgrenameteam.cpp:
* src/rcgreverse.cpp:
* src/rcgverconv.cpp:
* src/resultprinter.cpp:
- fixed a defect of msg info parsing.

2008-04-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/common/server_param.cpp:
- fixed a value threshold for binary format.

* src/rcgversion.cpp:
- fixed a print format.

2008-04-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/ball_object.cpp:
* rcsc/player/world_model.cpp:
- fixed a defect of ball velocity update using heard info.

2008-04-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/action/body_dribble2007.cpp:
* rcsc/action/intention_dribble2007.cpp:
- enabled change_view.

2008-04-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* rcsc/player/self_object.cpp:
- fixed a defect of zero divide.

* rcsc/action/body_kick_to_relative.cpp:
* rcsc/action/body_stop_ball.cpp:
- tuned threshold value.

* rcsc/param/rcss_param_parser.cpp:
- fixed coding style.