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Descripción del Proyecto

This project has been moved to GitHub.

A base library, base team, and related tools for The RoboCup Soccer Simulation.

System Requirements

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Publicado: 2009-07-17 12:28
HELIOS RoboCup2009+ (2 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

helios-09Graz.tar.gz contains the binary(for 64 bits) and configuration files of HELIOS that have been used in the final of RoboCup2009 Graz.

helios-09Graz+.tar.gz contains the binary(for 32bits and 64 bits) and configuration files of HELIOS that some modifications were added after the competition. This is the final version of HELIOS2009.

helios-09Graz.tar.gzには,RoboCup2009 Grazの決勝戦で使用されたHELIOSの実行バイナリ(64ビット用)と設定ファイルが含まれています.



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