Related ProjectsOpenStaging, JDBCでDBアクセス, MPC-BE, DBViewer Plugin for Eclipse 開発プロジェクト, Win32 Disk Imager |
Simmulator の für das Onlinespiel !EarthLost.de。Verlustberechnung、Spionageverwaltung ウント多様な andere Funktionen !Vielen じめじめ für das クール アイコン ・ フォン ・泣きじゃくる da Loota !備 Fragen、ingame mugvieh ウエンデン
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Dumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, MAME32jp, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
libcsv_parser++ is a C++ library for parsing text files to extract records and fields. The records can be delimited with any set of characters. It makes the following assumptions: the record terminator is only one character in length; the field terminator is only one character in length; and the fields are enclosed by single characters, if any. The parser can handle documents where fields are always enclosed, not enclosed at all, or optionally enclosed. When fields are strictly all enclosed, there is an assumption that any enclosure characters within the field are escaped by placing a backslash in front of the enclosure character. The software could be ported to Windows with very little effort.
Related ProjectsAmateras, SmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME, SharpDevelop-jp, nkf Network Kanji Filter |
jSmaTeP assists in the use of Java for processing import and export data by configuring a data structure rather than by programming it. The structure of the import data is specified in an XML file. jSmaTeP then generates a value object representing exactly one row or record in the import file based on a given XML data configuration. This means that if the import or export format changes, only the XML data configuration needs to be changed to match it.
Related ProjectsChaSen legacy, TOMBO, Dumpper v.60.3, SCIM IMEngine, Anthy |
Scripts for the execsql.py SQL script processor that allow the user to easily create a glossary of terms to accompany a database export. A typical use is to create a glossary of all of the column names that appear in the export. The scripts extract column names from a specified view or table (using the DBMS's information schema) and definitions from a master glossary table that contains all column descriptions. A glossary can also include custom or one-off definitions that do not appear in the master glossary.
Register Date: 2020-01-03 01:20
Related ProjectsLDAP Admin, JDBCでDBアクセス, rktSQLite for PHP, ERMaster, Vertrigo |
Register Date: 2013-09-29 13:36
Related ProjectsHuawei HG553 和 HG556a 的界面汉化, Mona Font, a Japanese font for text arts, CocoMonar, Xming X Server for Windows, bbs2chreader |
PHP4 + PostgreSQL で動作する掲示板。表示にはエクスポートされたテキストファイルを用いることにより表示の高速化を狙う。掲示板としては非常に低機能なものであるが、バックエンドに PostgreSQL を使用することで、動作の安定と拡張性を備える。
Register Date: 2002-04-19 22:06
Related ProjectsCocoMonar, ギコナビ, Huawei HG553 和 HG556a 的界面汉化, Mona Font, a Japanese font for text arts, bbs2chreader |
Register Date: 2010-11-20 23:24
Related ProjectsOpenClinic GA, C# ECG Toolkit, OpenEMR, Aqeria, COS-HMS: Healthcare Management System |
Githubへ移行しました。 https://github.com/kobedigitallabo/okuyama
今後の更新はGithub上にて行います。 こちらにある過去リリース分はそのまま維持します。
Register Date: 2010-01-06 23:28
Related ProjectsTritonn, Firebird, PostgresForest, Firebird Manual/jpn, OpenOLAP |
Register Date: 2008-08-06 15:26
Related ProjectsZedGraph, Fityk, VIKAMINE, UniDic, [Relocated] NMeCab - Japanese morphological analyzer on .NET |
Comunidad social en línea derivada de pH7CMS creada exclusivamente para conductores de camiones por conductores de camiones. Sabemos lo importante que es tener una vida social, también sabemos lo difícil que puede ser mantener uno detrás del volante de ese semi. Nuestro objetivo es brindar una solución diferente, pero efectiva, entregada directamente a su teléfono. Te hacemos nuestra prioridad. Todo lo que pueda desear es un toque o un clic de distancia. Conozca nuevos amigos, salte a una de nuestras salas de chat de video, manténgase en contacto con familiares y amigos, verifique el clima y las actualizaciones deportivas, incluso puede recibir notificaciones sobre las condiciones de la carretera, no importa dónde se encuentre o a dónde vaya. Hay mucho por descubrir, y todo está a su alcance. El registro es fácil, la membresía es gratuita (membresía actualizada con más opciones disponibles), y su privacidad y seguridad son nuestra principal prioridad. ¿Entonces, Qué esperas? ¡Tu nueva comunidad social en línea te está esperando!
Register Date: 2018-11-23 20:26
Related ProjectsUsagi Project, Perl IRC Statistics Generator, ClipBucket, pligg, keitairc |
This project is still in under development.
DENNCO is the study project for artificial intelligence systems. The goal of this project is to find the ways to solve the artificial intelligence related agenda like pattern recognition by composing small processing units called 'cell' and connect them each other. Each cell may have different functionalities / roles. Finding the practical way to connect each 'cell's and how they proceed for making the practical outputs for a purpose is the goal of this project. In this project, we use JavaScript for describing the behavior of a cell. The definition of the cell connections are defined by HTML like definition files.
Overview video
Register Date: 2011-12-26 15:45
Related ProjectsOpenKEEPS, 中・長単位解析器 Comainu, OpenMarias, xbeeactivex, OpenCV |
Scripts for the execsql.py script processor that perform automated upsert operations (insert or update) on multiple tables simultaneously. The scripts dynamically create and execute SQL based on the database's information schema, and therefore do not require any customization, and work with any tables in any database in any of the supported DBMSs (PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, and SQL Server). The upsert scripts will automatically check for null values in non-null columns, conflicting primary key values, and invalid foreign key values before merging the data. The progress and results of the upsert operation can be logged and reviewed through interactive displays of pending data changes.
Register Date: 2020-01-03 01:12
Related ProjectsERMaster, Talend Open Studio for Data Integration, SQLite Viewer for Mac OS X, ExtractData, LDAP Admin |
project moved to Sourceforge
Register Date: 2019-05-31 04:39
Related ProjectsPCRE, Properties Editor, Open Source QR Code Library, Amateras, Orwell Dev-C++ |
Register Date: 2009-11-21 21:29
Related Projects和ジラ(Wazilla), The risky module for Mozilla and derivat, SquirrelMail, Sylpheed, GMail Email Sender |