Software Map Project List (36301 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
sms-queue(freshmeat) sms-queue sms-queue handles an SMS queue for small networ... Descargar
uam(freshmeat) uam uam is a set of udev rules and shell scripts to... Descargar
landscapeweb(sfnet) Landscape Web Browser Deutsch: Der BESTE Internet Browser der Welt En... Descargar
open-media-engine(freshmeat) Open Media Engine Open Media Engine (OME) is a 3D media engine us... Descargar
coretml-framework(freshmeat) CoreTML framework CoreTML framework is a template configuration s... Descargar
rtpserver(sfnet) RTP Streaming Server The project is intended to develop an rtp/rtsp ... Descargar
msr-tools(freshmeat) MSR Tools MSR Tools is a source code evolution analysis t... Descargar
virchor(sfnet) Virtual Choreographer Virtual Choreographer (VC) is a 3D graphic engi... Descargar
vgmstream(sfnet) vgmstream A library for playback of various streamed audi... Descargar
mcx(sfnet) Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) MCX is a Monte Carlo simulation software for st... Descargar
poezio(freshmeat) poezio Poezio is a console-based client for XMPP, the ... Descargar
npa(sfnet) npa A cross-platform agent for the Nagios monitorin... Descargar
insulargenetica(sfnet) Insular Genetic Algorithm This is implementation of parallel genetic algo... Descargar
php-auth-class(freshmeat) Auth Class Auth Class is a PHP Authentication class with m... Descargar
ibwebadmin(sfnet) ibWebAdmin ibWebAdmin is a web-based admin tool for InterB... Descargar
cs4g(sfnet) cs4g Fallstudie WI Descargar
a-note(sfnet) a-note A Note is a software that let you put post-it l... Descargar
itunesexport(sfnet) iTunes Music Library Export Provides the ability to export playlists from a... Descargar
mln(sfnet) mln - Manage Large Networks MLN (Manage Large Networks) is a perl program u... Descargar
libircclient(freshmeat) libircclient libircclient is a small but powerful library th... Descargar
webconformance(sfnet) Open Validator - Web Conformance Tool This software verifies and corrects many aspect... Descargar
myrad4php(freshmeat) MyRad4PHP MyRad4PHP creates applications on the fly, mak... Descargar
lingoteach(sfnet) LingoTeach A language teaching program and library based ... Descargar
xml-csv-convert(sfnet) PHP based XML to CSV converter Simple PHP based XML to CSV converter Descargar
structorizer(sfnet) structorizer Structorizer is a little tool which you can use... Descargar
pvpgn-phputils(sfnet) PHP Utilities for PvPGN PHP Utilities for PvPGN is a collection of PHP ... Descargar
crosspather(sfnet) crosspather This is a software to access and download your ... Descargar
feiarmwizard(sfnet) FEI ARM Wizard This project presents a plug-in that is a wizar... Descargar
swsusp(sfnet) Suspend2 Enables the possibility of suspending a machine... Descargar
phpmailer(sfnet) PHPMailer A PHP email creation and transport class featur... Descargar
osma(sfnet) OSMA Serious games are games that are primarily desi... Descargar
polarssl(freshmeat) PolarSSL PolarSSL is a light-weight cryptographic and SS... Descargar
fai(freshmeat) FAI FAI (fully automatic installation) is a non-int... Descargar
imgcrush(freshmeat) IMGCrush IMGCrush is an image compressor. IMGCrush_GUI i... Descargar
phpivr(freshmeat) phpivr phpivr is an Asterisk AGI application which use... Descargar
megatux(freshmeat) megatux Megatux is a platformshooter game with Tux as t... Descargar
chocosmalltalk(freshmeat) ChocoSmallTalk The ChocoSmallTalk system is a hybrid Smalltalk... Descargar
hibersap(freshmeat) Hibersap Hibersap is a small framework that offers an ab... Descargar
otfbot(freshmeat) OtfBot OtfBot is a modular IRC bot. It has modules to ... Descargar
dv-analyzer(freshmeat) DV Analyzer DV Analyzer is a technical quality control and ... Descargar
daemonprojects-login-alert(freshmeat) DaemonProjects Login Alert Login Alert is a small one click wizard GUI tha... Descargar
rakontu(freshmeat) Rakontu Rakontu is a Web application that small groups ... Descargar
picshell(freshmeat) Picshell PicShell is a small IDE for the JALv2 language,... Descargar
hormiga-project(freshmeat) Hormiga Project Hormiga is a language designed to be simple and... Descargar
mahatma64k(freshmeat) Mahatma68k Mahatma68k is an emulation library for the Moto... Descargar
cube-escape(freshmeat) Cube Escape Cube Escape is a game in which you are inside a... Descargar
scew(freshmeat) Simple C Expat Wrapper The aim of SCEW is to provide an easy interface... Descargar
lambdaj(freshmeat) lambdaj lambdaj is a Java library that allows you to ma... Descargar
colorchip(freshmeat) ColorChip ColorChip is a class for working with color in ... Descargar
enhanced_tightvnc_viewer(freshmeat) Enhanced TightVNC Viewer The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer, SSVNC, adds encry... Descargar
lurker(freshmeat) Lurker Lurker is a mailing list archiver designed for ... Descargar
tellurianring-scene(freshmeat) TellurianRing Scene The TellurianRing Scene project is a JavaScript... Descargar
sdl_mixer(freshmeat) SDL_mixer SDL_mixer is a simple multi-channel audio mixer... Descargar
gqview(sfnet) GQview image viewer A lightweight image viewer that is simple to na... Descargar
csv2kml(sfnet) csv2kml A program which reads entries related to a loca... Descargar
hummus-pdfwriter(freshmeat) Hummus PDF Writer The Hummus PDF Writer library allows you to gen... Descargar
xbasic(sfnet) XBasic XBasic is an integrated software development en... Descargar
peii(sfnet) E-learning Proyecto de Prácticas de Especialidades Descargar
cgit(freshmeat) cgit cgit is a fast CGI Web interface to git reposit... Descargar
slackpkg(sfnet) SlackPkg - package tool for Slackware An automated packaging tool for Slackware Linux... Descargar
pyci(sfnet) PyCI PyCI is a web-based configuration interface wri... Descargar
lsfw(freshmeat) lsfw lsfw (list firewall) helps network administrato... Descargar
animgifqlgen(sfnet) Animated GIF QuickLook plugin This is a QuickLook plugin for MacOS-X 10.5/10.... Descargar
gephaz(sfnet) Gépház Által Feltőltött Programok Gépház álttal feltőltött programokat innen lető... Descargar
proxsmtp(freshmeat) ProxSMTP ProxSMTP is a SMTP proxy that allows you to rej... Descargar
speedpad(freshmeat) Speedpad Speedpad is a small and portable ncurses-powere... Descargar
rpmsforsuse(sfnet) KDE RPMs for SuSE RPMs of various open source applications for th... Descargar
powerpdf(sfnet) PowerPDF PowerPDF is a VCL to create PDF docment visuall... Descargar
vallheru(sfnet) Vallheru Its turn based, web-browser, fantasy MMORPG wri... Descargar
ebview(sfnet) EBView EBView is a CD-ROM book viewer based on GTK, ma... Descargar
meditate-web-content-editor(freshmeat) Meditate Web Content Editor Meditate is a PHP-based CMS with support for mu... Descargar
itms(sfnet) Internet Task Management System ITMS gives users the ability to assign and mana... Descargar
microemulator(sfnet) MicroEmulator This is Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) CLDC/MIDP E... Descargar
javausblibrary(sfnet) Java USB Library A complete cross-platform Java USB Library Descargar
menuui(sfnet) Menuui This is a PSE(program self-editable).You can ed... Descargar
postcard(sfnet) postcard This is a Computer Science project of a group o... Descargar
tbg-fractal(sfnet) tbg-fractal TBG-Fractal is a cross-platform Open Source pro... Descargar
googlebooksadd(sfnet) google books add to my library Small soft to add books by ISBN... to google bo... Descargar
kaosx(sfnet) KaOSx An independent small, rolling distribution, ful... Descargar
passwordstore(freshmeat) PasswordStore PasswordStore is a password storage manager. It... Descargar
ltris(freshmeat) LTris LTris is a Tetris clone with nice effects, grap... Descargar
zsh(sfnet) zsh zsh is a shell probably most similar to ksh, bu... Descargar
openjavadoccheck(freshmeat) OpenJavaDocCheck OpenJavaDocCheck is a doclet for checking JavaD... Descargar
brujula-chess(freshmeat) brujula-chess brujula-chess is a free chess app with various ... Descargar
geomspace(sfnet) GeomSpace GeomSpace is interactive geometry software for ... Descargar
projectrecibo(sfnet) Projectrecibo Gerador de recibos no OLE Descargar
clusterssh(sfnet) Cluster SSH - Cluster Admin Via SSH ClusterSSH controls a number of xterm windows v... Descargar
toplinuxfiles(sfnet) ToP linux files This is a on going project of converting Tales ... Descargar
marauroa(freshmeat) marauroa Marauroa is a multiplayer online game framework... Descargar
spgm(sfnet) SPGM (Simple Picture Gallery Manager) Simple Picture Gallery Manager is a PHP script ... Descargar
sptjson(freshmeat) spt::json spt::json is a SAX style JSON parser for Qt 4. ... Descargar
friptv(sfnet) FripTV FripTV is a free, opensource, SDL based IP TV p... Descargar
glextwin32(sfnet) GLEXT - Win32 OpenGL Extension API GLEXT is a Win32 DLL with header and linker lib... Descargar
playtomic(freshmeat) Playtomic Playtomic is a set of client and server APIs fo... Descargar
mapyrus(freshmeat) Mapyrus Mapyrus is software for creating plots of point... Descargar
teocoderepo(sfnet) TEO Humanoid Robot This is the code repository of the TEO Humanoid... Descargar
echo(sfnet) Echo Echo is an event-driven framework for developin... Descargar
todoyu(freshmeat) todoyu todoyu is a powerful project and task managemen... Descargar
cmssharkemu(sfnet) CMS SharkEmu CMS Officiel du projet Shark Emu Crée par la Sh... Descargar
animbar(sfnet) animbar animbar generates output for an animation techn... Descargar

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